Chapter 54

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Xie Yi has never interviewed others before, but his own interview opportunities are abundant. After all, he also interviewed many companies before graduation. He was quite nervous as an interviewer for the first time.

He was afraid that he would misunderstand and choose the unsuitable person, or let the capable person go.

But then he felt that those interviewing people were more nervous than him, and he relaxed a lot.

He interviewed five or six people, and he felt that they were not very reliable. Maybe these people saw that they were new companies and thought that the requirements were not high. Any kind of people would dare to come for interviews, even people who had never painted before said that they can do it.

Xie Yi has also seen people who have never learnt to paint change their careers to design, and they do it well, but it doesn't mean that everyone can do well. For example, the person in front of him has no talent, and no design skills. Any thoughts, it's written all over my face as if I'm just here to mess around, hurry up and give me a job.

After Xie Yi sent him away, he rubbed his aching forehead, "Isn't there any one? Am I asking too much?"

Li Yuze saw that he was so tired and asked him if he wanted to rest for a while, "It seems that the personnel department Everyone has to be replaced there, and every person who submits a resume will be notified for interview, and there is no screening?"

Xie Yi nodded, "Maybe it's better to fool us that we are a new company."

Li Yuze frowned and said incredulously . Yue, he doesn't like other people fooling him the most, and what he hates more is that these people's fooling makes Xie Yi suffer a lot.

"Are other people watching?" Li Yuze wanted Xie Yi to go back to rest, not to tire himself.

"It's all here, there are still three or four people, let's finish it in one breath." Xie Yi greeted the next person to come in.

The next person who came in was a lady who looked very fashionable. For some reason, Xie Yi thought she was designing at a glance at her.

Xie Yi read her resume and previous works, and felt very satisfied, but she did not decide directly, but asked her to go back and do it after she drew a question. After she finished drawing, she would send him an email, and then she would schedule a second interview. .

Although this is more time-consuming and troublesome, Xie Yi feels that this is better than dismissing people after recruiting them and finding that they are not strong enough.

What happened to Park Hyatt before can be regarded as a reminder to him. Isn't Park Hyatt just taking his manuscript and going out to deceive people to get the job? If the company asked him to draw another picture to see his strength, he wouldn't be able to get it. out of these problems.

After that, he had two more interviews, but he was not very satisfied. The one who finally came in was the boy who spoke for him in the corridor.

Li Yuze instantly saw that Xie Yi looked at him differently from the eyes of the few people just now, and asked him in a low voice, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know." , and also said to defend his words.

"I don't know what you see him doing?" Li Yuze knew that Xie Yi was a face control before, so he was a little nervous.

"I'm interviewing, who doesn't look at him?" Although Xie Yi is a face control, he will not control him. Although this boy has a good appearance, he is definitely not as high as Li Yuze. If Li Yuze is ten points, this person is at most six points.

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