Chapter 15

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    The bathtub is big enough to accommodate two people sitting side by side, but Li Yuze wanted to sit behind Xie Yi and hug him.

    Xie Yi's skin, which had been steamed by the heat of the water, was already glowing with fans, but when he was in such close contact with him, his heart began to itch again. It had been a week since the last time he did it, and he also thought about it, although he talked to Li Yuze every day. Sleeping in a bed, but Li Yuze never mentioned it.

    Li Yuze didn't mention it, and he couldn't take the initiative to say it. After all, the condition that Li Yuze talked to him before was that he could not contact Li Yuze actively, and Li Yuze could call him only if he needed it.

    He wondered if he had emptied Li Yuze all at once last time, why he didn't come for a week.

    Is bathing together this time a signal? He waited quietly for more than ten minutes, and Li Yuze didn't do anything, just grabbed his hand and played with his fingers.

    "The two of us seem to be in love." Xie Yi's tone was a little bit complaining, but he didn't make love, and still stick to each other every day. Occasionally, Li Yuze kissed him and hugged him, and talked about pure love same with high school students.

    Please, he's an adult now and needs sex!

    Li Yuze didn't understand the hints in his words, but he was a little unhappy when he heard what he said. The first reaction was what it meant to be like being in love, but after thinking about it carefully, the two of them were indeed not in love.

    Li Yuze's heart was even more angry. He shook Xie Yi's hand away, "You have to see where you are and don't talk nonsense."

    Rolling his eyes, "If you make the CEO angry, I can't bear your anger."

    The blue veins on Li Yuze's forehead jumped. He warned himself many times that if he wanted to live a few more years, don't talk to him about it.

    The two were silent for a few more minutes, and Li Yuze's hand that had nowhere to put was placed on Xie Yi's stomach again, wrapping his arms around Xie Yi's waist, "You didn't eat too much for dinner."

     Xie Yi looked down at his stomach, still a little bulging, "It's been more than two hours since I finished eating, why haven't I digested it yet?"

    "That's fat."

Li Yuze touched his stomach, "There's not a lot of fat."

    Xie Yi turned to look at him and asked him jokingly, "Can I gain weight? It's not like gaining weight. He's gone."

    He didn't care who he was like, whether he was a substitute or not, originally he was greedy for Li Yuze's body.

    But Li Yuze took his joke seriously.

    He had suspected that Xie Yi liked him before, but now when he heard this, he not only felt that Xie Yi liked him, he also liked the humble.

    It was also because he developed a compensatory mentality for Xie Yi. After taking a bath, he not only carried Xie Yi out to wipe his body, but also helped him blow his hair.

    Xie Yi didn't understand why he did this, "Do you mean it's easy to use after washing it for a while?"

    Li Yuze frowned, and continued to warn himself in his heart not to chat with Xie Yi!

    Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Xie Yi didn't speak any more, obediently enjoying his service.

    After everything was done, Li Yuze still carried Xie Yi back to the room, thinking of giving him a gentle treat at night, no longer tossing Xie Yi like the previous few times.

    After entering the room, he found two pairs of shoes on the table, "Isn't this the shoe you designed last time, it's already finished?"

    "No, this is a model made by the factory," Xie Yi went over and picked up a shoe to give He looked at it and asked for praise, "The factory is doing so fast, I gave them a picture last Sunday, and I will make a sample this Saturday. I just sent it to see it on Monday. I can't wait to see it. I took a taxi by myself and went to the factory to get it back. Does it look good?"

    Xie Yi also made shoes before crossing the road, but those shoes were not made by him, they were designed by several designers together. These two pairs of shoes are complete. It was designed and drawn by him, and after getting the finished product, he felt a special sense of achievement.

    Li Yuze saw that his eyes were sparkling, as if his whole body was glowing, he liked his appearance very much, and wanted to see him design more works.

    Li Yuze put him down, "You put it on and show me."

    Xie Yi had already tried it, but Li Yuze didn't say anything, he also wanted to show off, so he quickly bent over and put on his shoes, "I got two colors, which one do you like? I'll give you a pair when I get out. Oh yes. , the company is yours, will I not have to pay for the clothes from our company in the future?"

    "I gave you that money, do you want to buy anything, do you need to think about it?" Li Yuze gave it to him before 2.5 million, Xie Yi has also been with him for a month. He called Xie Yi's card again two days ago, but Li Yuzehua has never been seen. Even if he spends money, it is within the range of his salary. .

    He didn't know that Xie Yi was really afraid of debts. In his last life, he was exhausted because of debts. In this life, he felt that the money Li Yuze gave him was not stable, so he only spent the money within his salary range.

    But Li Yuze gave him the money and he took it. That amount of money was enough to make him happy without spending it.

    "You don't understand, free things can give people greater happiness~" Xie Yi was happy wearing new shoes, and he turned around in place, but he almost fell, Li Yuze raised his hand to catch him, hugged him on his lap.

    "You're a little too lively tonight." Li Yuze leaned over to look at him, Xie Yi blushed because he was too excited, and he couldn't breathe evenly. Li Yuze felt like he had lost two marshmallows in the strawberry sparkling water. A bunch of small pink bubbles appeared.

    The two looked at each other for a moment, Li Yuze couldn't hold it in any longer, he leaned over and leaned in, wanting to kiss his mouth to see if his mouth was as sweet as his smile, but before his mouth was close, Xie Yi retched. one sound.

    "Ouch!" Xie Yi covered his mouth, rolled over from his lap, and rushed into the bathroom.

    Originally, when Li Yuze heard his retching for the first time, he thought he was mad at him on purpose. As a result, the series of retching made Li Yuze feel how uncomfortable he was. He couldn't help but look at him, Xie Yi vomited very much. Uncomfortable, tears were falling down.

    Li Yuze patted him on the back, handed him water, and wiped his tears. Seeing that he had not improved, he called for a car to take him to the hospital.

    "No!" Xie Yi wanted to grab the phone, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart. When he wrote the article, the heroine also found out that he was pregnant because he vomited. Knowing this situation is that the heroine in the movie and TV shows that she is pregnant as long as she vomits, so he also wrote that.

    I didn't think much about it when I wrote it at the time, but now he is very scared, and repeatedly asked himself in his heart, shouldn't a man be pregnant?

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