Chapter 14

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    Because the house was too big, Li Yuze searched the house for more than ten minutes without seeing anyone. Finally, just when he was about to make a phone call, he saw Xie Yi sitting in the courtyard through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room.

    When he bought the house, he decided to pay because of the roses in that yard. Now that small yard has more kinds of flowers, and it has become a small garden.

    And Xie Yi put a cushion on the ground, sat cross-legged on it in shorts, and put the computer on his lap. Although he had graduated for a few months, he still had the youthful feeling he had when he went to school.

    Li Yuze walked in and pinched on his fair neck, "At work?"

    "Yes." Xie Yi twisted his neck, "Don't move, I'll be fine in a minute."

    Li Yuze didn't rush him and sat down . Behind him, except for the sound of Xie Yi hitting the keyboard, it was very quiet, with the occasional sound of the wind blowing leaves, rustling.

    A dim yellow lamp and a young man sitting in the garden made Li Yuze experience the tranquility he had never had before.

    For a moment as if nothing else matters, it's fine to sit here quietly and waste time.

    His eyes stared at Xie Yi's neck for a while, and then his eyes shifted to Xie Yi's fingers. Xie Yi was adding color and fabric materials, fabric numbers, accessories to the design drawings...

    Although the company is Li Yuze Open, but he doesn't know much about design. To put it mildly, he is only responsible for making money.

    When he saw Xie Yi write these things today, he realized that it was just a pair of shoes, and that so many accessories were needed to make them.

    "Okay, let's do this first." Xie Yi stretched, turned off the computer, turned his head, and was firmly kissed by Li Yuze.

    Li Yuze didn't kiss him for a long time, he just touched his lips hard and parted.

    But after not touching each other for a week, Xie Yi was numb from the kiss, his heart was itchy, and his body was...

    "So anxious? Wait for me." Xie Yi put the computer aside and ran into the house with Zhang Xiaohong's face on his face.

    Li Yuze didn't know what was going on, so he subconsciously followed him into the kitchen, which turned out to be still stewing soup.

    "I simmered for two hours. I'll make it after drinking it, otherwise it will dry out in a while." Xie Yi said, and lifted the lid of the pot, and a fragrance came out.

    Li Yuze: "You did this for me on purpose?"

    Xie Yi: "I'm exhausted from work this week, so I have to make up for myself." The

    two spoke almost at the same time, and Xie Yi saw the expression on Li Yuze's face. He sank again and smiled awkwardly, "You didn't come after dinner, do you want to drink too?"

    Li Yuze said coldly, "No."

    "Oh." That's fine with Xie Yi's face With an expression on his face, he went to get the bowl, but he really didn't give Li Yuze a bowl.

    Li Yuze looked at Xie Yi happily slurping the chicken soup in the bowl, his face was even more gloomy, but when he saw that the tip of Xie Yi's tongue was scalded, he felt a little distressed.

    Xie Yi saw that he walked out of the kitchen with a bad face, thinking that he would not be angry again.

    Why is this guy so careful? It's not that I didn't give him chicken soup. But think about this small-eyed setting is also made by oneself, the suffering created by oneself can only be eaten by oneself.

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