Chapter 56

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    It was impossible for Xie Yi to say it, he raised his hand and patted Li Yuze's head, and went to sleep.

    Li Yuze didn't get angry when he saw his reaction, just smiled helplessly, and fell asleep with his arms tightly around him.


    A lot of people came on the opening ceremony day. Although the company is now Xie Yi, Xie Yi is still not good at socializing with so many business bigwigs.

    Li Yuze also saw that he was uncomfortable, and patted his back gently, "I just saw Zhou Weiwei coming, you go to stay with him for a while, it's me, don't worry."

    Xie Yi cast a vote at him Gone a grateful glance, turned and hurried away.

    Recently, Zhou Wei has been filming and putting on variety shows non-stop. He has been busy for a long time without rest, and he and Xie Yi have not seen each other for a long time.

    This time, Zhou Weiwei was very excited and rushed over to hug Xie Yi, "Long time no see, I'm sorry, I didn't come to see you when you gave birth, don't be angry with me."

    "It's okay." Xie Yi is considerate He patted him on the back, "I know you're busy, go to my house to see the children when you have time, they are all super cute and round." 

   "Okay!" Zhou Weiwei's eyes glowed, he was afraid of others Disturbing their chat, he pulled Xie Yi to sit down on the sofa in the corner, and the other person who came with them was Shen Shen.     When Xie Yi saw Shen Shen, he had the fans' reaction to seeing his idol. He was very excited to hold Zhou Zhiwei, and wanted to have an autograph and a photo with Shen Shen, but he was shy and didn't know how to speak.  

  Zhou Unknown carefully helped the two of them introduce each other, and also took a group photo for the two of them.  

  "The relationship between the two of you is good." Xie Yi couldn't help whispering in Zhou Weiyi's ear.

    "Dad Shen has helped me a lot recently. Not only did he teach me acting skills, but he also helped me pick up the drama I'm filming now." Zhou Weiwei's tone was a little bragging.  

  "Dad Shen?" Xie Yi was stunned for a moment, a little curious about his name. Zhou Wei did say that he regarded Shen Shen as his father before, but he didn't expect them to be close enough to call him father? But isn't it a little too strange to call a man only a few years older than him Dad?   

But seeing Zhou Unknown's natural appearance, he didn't think about it.  

  He didn't think about it, Zhou Weiwei still explained, "I always regarded him as a father in my heart, and then I accidentally called him a slippery mouth. Later, I called him that all the time, and he didn't have any disgust."

The two were whispering. Close, but still chattering. The two of them have always been like this. If Li Yuze or his friends saw it, they would definitely be used to it, but Shen Shen was still a little unaccustomed to seeing it, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.     But it was quickly covered up by him, and his eyes kept staring at Xie Yi, trying to find some reason to pull him away. 

   But after watching for a while, I realized that the two were acting like little sisters chatting in private, so I relaxed, and I didn't want to disturb them. I wanted to leave for a while and give the two of them enough time to get along.

    But before Shen Chu stood up, he found his friend standing not far away peeking at them. Shen Chu gave up the action of leaving and stared in the direction of his friend full of warning, forcing him not to approach.  

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