Chapter 16

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    He's gone through all this time, what else is impossible?

    Xie Yi was afraid that the woman he wrote was so tragic after being pregnant, he couldn't bear what the woman experienced, let alone that he was pregnant by a man.

    He has to endure the strange eyes of the world, the pain of pregnancy, the pain of giving birth, and the pain of raising children later.

    Eight children! Why not write about a child!

    Xie Yi was about to faint. How much milk powder did the eight children pay?

    Seeing that he was about to faint, Li Yuze raised his arms and hugged him, "Is it food poisoning? I'll take you to the hospital."

    "No, I'm fine, I know my own body." Xie Yi quickly grabbed his phone, Weakly fell into his arms, "I've vomited for a while and it's better, but I'm a little dizzy. I can't do it with you today. You should go first.

    " What if you die here?" Li Yuze was mad at him, "Yes, if I die here, the value of this house will depreciate, and the haunted house will not be sold." Xie Yi gave him a weak smile, " Why don't you help me go back to my room to lie down for a while?"

    Li Yuze laughed to himself when he saw that he didn't vomit. It shouldn't be that serious, so he helped him back to the room and asked him to lie down, "Don't move around, I'll pour you some water."

    When Li Yuze returned from pouring the water , found that Xie Yi had fallen asleep, he sat on the edge of the bed, raised his hand to help him wipe the sweat from his forehead, "let me go when you are sick, don't you think about relying on me?"

    He asked himself Talking to himself, seeing the eyeballs under Xie Yi's eyelids move, Li Yuze frowned and glanced at Xie Yi's hand, and found that Xie Yi was still holding his mobile phone in his hand.

    "Are you pretending to sleep so you don't go to the hospital?" Li Yuze saw that he didn't move, and went to pick up the phone in his hand, feeling Xie Yi exerting force.

    Xie Yi held it for a few seconds and then let go, "Okay, I'm really afraid of going to the hospital because..."

    Xie Yi sighed and pretended to be embarrassed, "Don't talk about it, it's about a psychological shadow from my childhood. Xie Yi was

    afraid that he would see that he was lying, so he got into the quilt, covered his face with his hands, and made a fake cry.

    He didn't know that his poor acting skills couldn't deceive Li Yuze, and he couldn't deceive him. If he was really pregnant, he would have to find out sooner or later.

    But he is not yet ready to face this matter in his heart, just thinking about how long it can be delayed.

    Li Yuze didn't pull his hand away to see whether he was crying or fake crying, and didn't ask him what the psychological shadow of his childhood was, he turned off the light, lifted the quilt and lay beside him.

    Xie Yi quickly turned his back to him, but Li Yuze leaned in and hugged him from behind, putting one hand on his waist.

    Li Yuze also did this when he was taking a shower. He didn't feel anything at the time. Now that he suspects that he is pregnant, he is very sensitive. He is afraid that Li Yuze will find out something and take his hand down.

    "It's okay, I don't think you're fat." Li Yuze hugged him again and touched his stomach, "Go to sleep."

    Xie Yi pushed his hand away again and moved it to the side, how could he fall asleep? Ah, he finally understood the mood of his heroine.

    When he wrote it, he was thinking about making money, trying his best to set a tragic fate for the heroine, how the miserable came about, but at that time he never thought that maybe the people he wrote were alive and alive in another world. people.

    After thinking about it in the middle of the night, he touched his belly again. It is impossible for a man to be pregnant. Maybe it is really food poisoning. The meat bought at night is not fresh?

    Yes, that must be the case. After thinking about it, he was relieved and fell asleep on the pillow.

    The next day he woke up early, got up from the bed and found that there was no one around. He thought Li Yuze had already left, but he got up to make breakfast, but found Li Yuze was cooking in the kitchen.

    Xie Yi stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Li Yuze with his blue and white apron around him, standing in front of the pot to cook, this was too inconsistent.

    When he was writing a novel, Li Yuze never cooked a meal for the heroine, but for Bai Yueguang, he had no reason to cook it for himself.

    "Awake?" Li Yuze beat eggs into the noodles, and he would only cook soup noodles, vegetable noodles, pork ribs noodles, tomato and egg noodles, there are only three types of noodles. Last time, he tried to cook chicken noodle soup for Xie Yi.

    "Well, wake up," Xie Yi didn't think about Li Yuze's cooking noodles for him, and asked him, "Did you see that I vomited so badly yesterday, thinking that what I cooked was dirty, you dare not eat it , so get up early in the morning to cook noodles for yourself?"

    After he finished speaking, he saw the blue veins on Li Yuze's forehead jumping twice.

    "Go wash up, come and have some noodles." Li Yuze glanced at him, "I won't be allowed to cook anymore, I specially called my cooking aunt to cook for you."

    "Oh..." Xie Yi didn't cook either . My hobby is usually thinking that it is cheaper to eat at home.

    "Also, I'm only used to the food she cooks, so we will have to live together in the future." Li Yuze said in a tone that he couldn't resist.

    Xie Yi was taken aback, "Didn't we two live together a long time ago? We've been living together for a week, didn't you find out?"

    On Monday, Xie Yi took the sample of the shoes to the supervisor, and Zhou Weiwei also went to the company. They held a meeting to discuss, and felt that there were still some small details to be changed. After making another version, it should be almost the same and can go to the factory for mass production. , Zhou unknown commercials can also start shooting.

    After a few of them finished the meeting, Zhou Weiwei took Xie Yi and walked out, and said in the voice of only the two of them: "My husband also came with me, he is talking in your husband's office now, do you want to talk to me? Shall I go to the party later?"

    "What husband, I don't have a husband." Xie Yi quickly distanced himself from Li Yuze, "I still have a job, so I won't go with you."

    Xie Yisheng was afraid that what they said would be heard by others. I had something to do with him, and quickly separated from him to go to my department. I don't know if I was in a hurry. I retched twice when I walked to the door of the department.

    He subconsciously covered his mouth with one hand and his stomach with the other.

    "Why do you want to vomit again?" Xie Yi touched his belly with stiff fingers, feeling that his belly was getting bigger every day, but it wasn't so exaggerated that it was like a pregnant woman.

    He counted the days. It was more than a month. Generally, a pregnant woman with more than a month could not see anything in the belly. The heroines in the TV series only found out that they were pregnant after three months of pregnancy. , is fat.

    "Yo, I'm getting fat." Lao Ge passed by and pointed to his belly, "You're not fat anywhere else, why are you only fat, you won't get pregnant?"

    Lao Ge just joked casually, Unexpectedly, Xie Yi's face was obviously pale, "Let me tell the truth?"

    "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm a man, how can a man get pregnant?" died.

    "Why can't men get pregnant," Lao Ge told him about popular science. "Recently, there have been reports that men can become pregnant and have children, but the chances are very small. There are only three male pregnant men discovered in our country."

    Xie Yi: " Let's change the fourth one!

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