Chapter 68 Reality 07

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    "I found that you not only like brain supplements, but also have a very poor memory." Li Yuze poked Xie Yi's head, "Think about it yourself."

    Xie Yi sat on the bed and thought for a while, "Yesterday you and I Say you are a male? But how can a male be as  slutty as you."

    "Langy? Swing?" Li Yuze looked at him speechlessly, "Where do I have anything to do with these two words?"

    Xie Yi took him from head to toe He looked at me for a while, "When you met me for the first time, you winked at me."

    Li Yuze: "?"

    "Then take the initiative to strike up a conversation," Xie Yi reminded, "by the pool, use ambiguous words Words, say I'm a little crying bag."

    "Because your eyes were red at that time." Li Yuze also reminded him.

    "But why don't you care so much about others?" Xie Yi asked him again.

    "You already said, why don't I do this to others, so I'm not rambunctious at all." The more Li Yuze chatted with him, the more he found him interesting, so he pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, intending to waste some time Keep talking to him.

    "That's because I'm the most beautiful cub in our office..." Xie Yi felt a little embarrassed after he finished speaking. Usually, colleagues made fun of him like this. It was too shameful for him to say it himself.  

  He quickly moved to the next topic, "Out of our office, there are more and more beautiful people in this world, you didn't know how to behave at that time."     Li Yuze rubbed his brows and couldn't help laughing, "I If you don't believe me if I say I haven't talked to anyone, what if I say I have?" 

   "Then I'll..." Xie Yi stared at him angrily, wanting to castrate him, but also thought that if Li Yuze was also recently He just came back from transmigration, so Li Yuze who did not transmigrate is free. He is a single man, he can talk to anyone he wants to talk to, is he in charge of himself?     Thinking of this, his mood became low, and he lowered his head and felt uncomfortable.

    Seeing his pitiful appearance, Li Yuze couldn't help raising his hand to rub his head, and said seriously: "I really haven't talked about it, don't cry."

    "When did I cry, I was thinking about how to castrate. You won't be taken away by the police." Xie Yi said stubbornly.

    Li Yuze withdrew his hand, "Okay, when I didn't say anything."

    "You really can't remember anything?" Xie Yi asked with his eyes down.

    Are those beautiful memories the only one who remembers them? In other words, I will be like Li Yuze, and soon I will forget all those memories.

    He didn't want to forget Li Yuze, who was so gentle, and he didn't want to forget his cubs.

    "I can't remember." Every time Li Yuze saw him so sad, he couldn't bear it, but the fact was that all his memories disappeared little by little.

    "Forget it," Xie Yi shook his head. "Just treat it as a dream. I can't kidnap you and make you like me because of a dream that only I remember."

    "Although I don't know what my feelings for you were before, and I don't know if I like your feelings now, but I know I have a very familiar feeling for you," Li Yuze reached out and touched his hair again , and patiently smoothed his upturned hair a little bit, as if he had done this action a thousand times before, very skilled, "This feeling in my heart makes me want to get closer to you involuntarily."

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