Chapter 6

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    Ten minutes later, Xie Yi, who was sitting on the hotel bed, was full of question marks.

    What's the matter with this man? Shouldn't he angrily throw him and the money aside after he gave the two hundred and fifty dollars, and said coldly, "I order you to disappear from this world within three minutes."

    You can take the money immediately . Get the hell out of here, go to submit your resignation, and go to another company to work quietly.

    According to the plot he wrote, this is how the story should develop. But just now Li Yuze charged him 250 yuan, threw him into the car, and drove him to the hotel.

    Do you want to do it again?

    He looked at Li Yuze, who was sitting opposite him staring at him with the same eyes as a prisoner. He didn't know what he should do now, should he just take off his clothes?

    Li Yuze in Xie Yi's mind should be: "Take off your clothes, I want to watch you play with yourself."

    Xie Yi was frightened by this picture, the person who knows the male protagonist best is himself, Li Yuze doesn't need to speak to him all clear.

    Forget it, I have to do a full set of acting, and I said I want to do it again with him, so I will do it again.

    He stretched out two trembling fingers to untie his belt, but was interrupted by Li Yuze's cold voice, "What are you doing?"

    "Take off your clothes," Xie Yi looked at him blankly, " Isn't that what you meant by bringing me here?"

    "I brought you here because I was afraid that you might run away. What is your purpose? Did you say it yourself, or did I investigate it myself?" Li Yuze said and took him with one hand. The bag was opened, and all the contents were poured out. The topmost was Xie Yi's badge, which was printed with Xie Yi's photo, name, and position.

    Holding the badge, Li Yuze stared at the smiling Xie Yi, and then looked at the dying Xie Yi on the bed, "Are you an employee of our company?"

    "There is no need to investigate this time. Xie Yi lowered his head resignedly, "Yes, I'm a designer who just turned regular in the design department."

    In Li Yuze's eyes, Xie Yi is a person who has no real ability and only wants to go to the top. "Do you know that you look like Park Hyatt?"

    "I don't know!" Xie Yi denied it, but because of this, exposed the facts.

    "When ordinary people hear this question, shouldn't they first ask who Park Hyatt is, but you say you don't know with such a big reaction?" Li Yuze got up and walked in front of him, pinching his chin, and staring at his face condescendingly.

    This face was actually only five points similar to Park Hyatt, but when he saw Xie Yi, he had the same mood as when he saw Park Hyatt.

    The person in front of him was so stupid, and he didn't look like a commercial spy sent by other companies. He thought of the night that made him lose control, and the glamorous picture made his blood rush to this day.

    "You have to thank you for the face similar to him," Li Yuze shook his fingers pinching his chin, "you will follow me in the future, and I will not treat you badly."

    He took out a card from his arms. Hand it to Xie Yi, "But remember, we are not allowed to let other people know about us, especially Park Hyatt."

    "What's following you? Who said they're following you?" Xie Yi took the card, "How many are there? ?"

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