Chapter 18

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    "Why didn't he tell you when he went to the hospital?" His friend has been with Li Yuze for many years, even if Li Yuze's mind is not easy to guess, he can see it to some extent, "If the illness is not serious, there is no need to go to the hospital, he has already gone to the hospital. Why are you hiding it from you, it can't be because of some unspoken disease."

    My friend patted Li Yuze's shoulder sympathetically, "Did you not let him go for a medical examination when you were with him, not some kind of AIDS? , you also hurry to the hospital to see, early detection and early treatment, can not be treated, and me, I will help you take care of your parents..."

    Li Yuze gave him a look, "I don't know if he is clean, if he can't speak Shut up."

    Zhou Unknown also tugged at his friend's arm, "Don't talk nonsense, we Xie Yi won't get that kind of disease, maybe some terminal illness."

    Li Yuze: "..."

    Zhou Unknown didn't see Li Yuze's face at all Even worse, he continued: "Maybe he has a crush on you since a long time ago, but he always knew that he was not worthy of you, so he never confessed, but recently he found out that he had a terminal illness and his life was not long, so he mustered up. I have the courage to come to you to confess, as long as I can stay by your side, it doesn't matter if I become a substitute..."

    Li Yuze looked bad, "Who told you that he was a substitute?" My

    friend was afraid that he would scare Zhou Weiqi, so he quickly stood in between them, " What I said, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he looks like Park Hyatt, otherwise what would you do for him?"

    "He is so pitiful, the designs he makes should be counted on others' heads, and those who like him should treat him as someone else's. Substitute, doesn't he have his own name?" Zhou Weiwei has watched a lot of bitter scenes recently, and everyone looks like a little pitiful, "Maybe he went to the hospital for chemotherapy, did he not let you take off his clothes and touch him recently. , maybe he just doesn't want you to see the pinholes in his body..."

    "You are so good at acting, why did the previous films go so badly?" Li Yuze pushed the door open and left.

    "The temper is not small." The friend hugged Zhou Unknown, "It's okay baby, I will never use you as a substitute like him."

    "Well." Zhou Unknown raised his head and rubbed him.

    "The two of you are going home." Li Yuze pushed the door back and rushed them to leave. He also went downstairs to ask Xie Yi's colleague if he knew which hospital he went to, but he left in a hurry and didn't follow him. anyone said.


    When Xie Yi arrived at the hospital, he was very confused. He didn't know where to go for a checkup. In the end, he hesitated for a long time to hang up a gastrointestinal account for a checkup. He still held a glimmer of hope. .

    In the end, I checked a bunch of colonoscopes and gastroscopes and everything was fine, but I was arranged to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department and found that he was indeed pregnant for more than a month.

    Xie Yi went from stunned to shocked, and anxiously asked the female doctor in front of him, "Doctor, did you read it wrong? I'm a man. This is the obstetrics and gynecology department, not a place for men to see a doctor."

    "That 's right. , Men can also get pregnant, but the number is too small, so I can only come here with women to check."

    Xie Yi slumped on the chair like a deflated leather ball, "Doctor, can I kill this?

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