Chapter 57

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    "He told you that someone else touched my face?" Li Yuze's eyes were deep, thinking that this little assistant couldn't be asked for, so if he found a new person, he would quickly get this person away.

    "Fortunately, several people have touched his face." Xie Yi raised his hand to hold his face, and kept touching Li Yuze's face, "I can only touch your face, how can you give it to others?"

    Usually no one passes by at their place, but It doesn't mean that there is no one. When Xie Yi frantically touched Li Yuze's face, several acquaintances passed by. They didn't stop to look, but snickered and hurried away.

    Li Yuze didn't even bother to explain, so he just stood and let Xie Yi touch his face, "No one has touched my face, really, you've been drinking too much, you can't stand, let's go home, shall we? ?"

    Xie Yi touched enough, stretched his neck and smelled his face, "There is really no other person's smell."

    Xie Yi's head was even more dizzy than before, he leaned on Li Yuze's body, his tone was soft, "I You can't walk anymore, carry me home."

    Xie Yi rarely acted like a spoiled child with him, although it was because he was drunk, Li Yuze still cherished it very much.

    It was too late, it just rained and it was cold outside, Li Yuze didn't want Xie Yi to be cold, so he carried him upstairs and stayed in the room they booked.

    "This is the second time you've carried me." Xie Yi lay on Li Yuze's back and rubbed Li Yuze's side face with his side face. The skin on Xie Yi's face was soft, because the temperature of the drink was very high, and it rubbed against him. Li Yuze's body was hot.

    "You like me carrying you on your back? I'll carry you on your back every day, okay?" Li Yuze walked slowly forward with his back on his back. Although he desperately wanted to go back to his room and do something with Xie Yi, he also enjoyed it. The moment it made him feel.     Xie Yi was lying on his shoulders, and he fell asleep when he walked. The warm breath he exhaled all fell on Li Yuze's cheeks, dyeing Li Yuze's cheeks with a layer of Xie Yi. Same red.

    Back in the hotel room, Li Yuze found out that Xie Yi was asleep, and he failed to do what he wanted to do, but in his sleep, Xie Yi kept hugging him and making a coquettish humming sound, which made Li Yuze very enjoyable. , I couldn't bear to close my eyes, so I kept holding Xie Yi until two or three o'clock before falling asleep.


    After the official start of work, Xie Yi was very busy every day due to lack of manpower, and other colleagues were also very tired, but everyone was very motivated and looked forward to developing better and better because of their own efforts.

    But Xie Yi found that Duanmu Chun was always lazy, there were only two assistants, one was Duan Mu Chun and the other was a more introverted little girl.

    There are few assistants, and the assigned work is heavier. Duanmu Chun is lazy, and the little girl has a lot of work. Xie Yi always sees her working overtime, and she works hard and never complains, while Duanmu Chun is always unable to find her. to people.

    This is enough to make Xie Yi hate him. Who knows that Duanmu Chun will always tell Xie Yi that Li Yuze is not good enough, and that he is not considerate enough, and how good he is to his partner. Every time Xie Yi hears He told himself that Li Yuze was not good, and Xie Yi was very angry. He said that you are also worthy of being compared with Li Yuze? Just because you are so lazy, you can't starve your object to death? 

   Of course, he didn't say these words directly, he just wanted to observe for a while, and quickly found a new assistant to let him go. Although he is lazy now, he can still work a little bit.   

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