Chapter 1

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    Don't stay up late, you will die suddenly!

    Xie Yi didn't take this sentence seriously until he died suddenly, and he didn't know how stupid he was until he really died.

    His eyes were pitch black, his body was floating like a white garbage bag in the water, and his life was constantly replaying in his mind.

    From a young age, his qualifications were mediocre. After graduating from college, he became a designer. He was framed for leaking the company's design draft and fired. He owed a huge mortgage loan and chose to write online novels to make a living.

    It's enough to write online novels. He shouldn't have written the sow article with three wrong views in order to make quick money, that is, the one-child Babao article that has been ridiculed by everyone recently.

    In the end, he died suddenly at home because of bad retribution for writing this kind of stuff.

    Xie Yi felt that it was not worth it to die. If he had known, he would not have found a rich woman in the sea to take care of him.

    It may be that his thoughts are still not correct, he has passed through.

    He didn't know how long he had been drifting, and was awakened by the loud music. He opened his eyes in a daze, and looked at the flashing lights, the swaying crowd, and the people on the stage who were stripping. Boy, stunned.

    A hell of a disco? This is too happy. If I knew that I would die earlier, I don't have to stay in the world to suffer.

    He hadn't been happy for a minute when his body shook violently, and his chest became hot like a fire, and soon the heat spread to his limbs and bones.

    He was panting and swaying over his chest, feeling that his situation was not very good. He looked like he was drugged in a novel, wouldn't he!

    He lowered his head and glanced at his body, and what shocked him even more was that he was wearing a small skirt!

    The red pleated skirt, black stockings tightly wrapped around his fair calf, and a pair of ladies' leather shoes on his feet, he turned into a woman?

    Taking advantage of the dim light, he touched it quietly. Fortunately, his little baby was still there, but it was much smaller, but it was still usable.

    The reason why Xie Yi knows it can still be used is because it is now fully supported.

    No, he can't stay here any longer, his body is about to endure it to the limit.

    Xie Yi wiped the sweat from his head, looked up, and tried to find an exit, but someone pulled his arm from behind him.

    The greasy touch made Xie Yi shiver all over. He looked back in disgust and saw a man with a fat face and a wretched smile.

    The man seemed to lick his body with his eyes, "Did my sister drink too much? Brother, let's take you home.", like a cat, making the man even more excited

    Xie Yi threw off his hand in fear and ran towards the exit. The man didn't give up, he pushed aside the crowd and chased him, "Sister, I'm not a bad person, don't be afraid."

    The more Xie Yi walked, the weaker his legs became. He was so anxious that he almost cried. Although he only wore women's clothes, he really felt the helplessness of girls when they met bad people.

    He raised his hand and tugged at his hair, ripped off the wig, and wanted the people chasing him to see that he was a man and stop chasing him, but the people behind him were even more excited!

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