Chapter 48

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    Li Yuze realized that Yi was no longer in danger, so he completely relaxed, went to take a shower and changed his clothes, and when he came back, he lay on the bed next to Xie Yi and fell asleep.

    Xie Yi looked at him with disgust, "Why are you still snoring when you sleep? I never snored before."

    Xie Yi wanted to kick him out, but because he was so tired, he didn't call him.

    Xie Yi has slept for a long time, and he can't sleep now. He tilted his head and looked at Li Yuze's profile, and felt very relieved.

    He came back after wandering around the gate of hell. He died once, but this time he almost died again and was very scared.

    Xie Yi squeezed the quilt, and will never do such a dangerous thing again. Xie Yi thinks that he will never get pregnant and give birth to a child again, and he will not stay up late. He died suddenly after staying up late at work...

    He was thinking, When he heard someone knock on the door, he looked up, "Who is it?"

    The door was unlocked and was pushed open. An eighteen- or nine-year-old boy walked in. The boy looked a bit like Li Yuze, but The smell is a lot worse.

    Xie Yi frowned. He remembered that Li Yuze had a younger brother. Could this be Li Yuze's younger brother, Li Yucheng.

    Li Yucheng had heard before that his brother had found a man. The man was pregnant. He had always been very curious. Recently, he heard from his parents that the man had given birth to eight children, so his mother asked him to come and find out about this man. News, by the way, suppress and suppress him, set rules for him, and let him know his identity.

    Li Yucheng was originally a dandy young master. He usually looked down on others because he had some money in his family. Today, he was thinking of suppressing this ignorant man. Who knew that when he pushed the door and came in, after meeting Xie Yi's face, Immediately changed his mind. 

   How does this sister-in-law look so good-looking, he is so beautiful, he is much better-looking than the little actors and celebrities he had dated before, no wonder my brother quarreled with his family because of him, if he got such a little beauty, he had to talk to his family too People fell out.

    He leaned over to Xie Yi's bedside, "Sister-in-law, I'm his younger brother."

    Li Yucheng pointed to Li Yuze, who was lying beside him snoring, and said with disgust, "My brother really has no rules at all. You have just given birth and need to rest, he can't help you even if he is by your side, and disturbing you to rest is really a shame for our Li family."

    Xie Yi: "???"

    He also turned around. He glanced at the sleeping Li Yuze, "I thought you were here to set rules for me, but I didn't expect you to discipline your brother. Take him home and discipline him properly."

    Li Yucheng smiled awkwardly. "Sister-in-law, I heard that you were bleeding heavily when you gave birth, it must be very painful. You see, my brother is really, I don't know how to care about you at all. If I were your boyfriend, I would definitely not be there like my brother. Lying down to sleep, I can't wait to..."

    Before he could finish, he was picked up by Li Yuze, "Who asked you to come?"

    Li Yucheng was afraid of his brother since he was a child, and his legs were so frightened when he was picked up by his brother. Trembling, "Brother, it was my parents who asked me to come and see my sister-in-law."

    "Have you seen it now? Why don't you hurry up?" Li Yuze didn't expect that his own younger brother actually wanted to dig a foot in the wall when he was sleeping.

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