Chapter 42

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    Xie Yi wanted to explain, but when he thought that he was going to give birth in a few months, he couldn't hide it at that time, so he simply admitted, "I am pregnant with eight, and I am pregnant with eight daughters."

    "So many?" Zhou Zhizhi couldn't close his mouth, and wanted to reach out to touch if there were really eight, "No wonder the belly is so big."

    "How can you even know the gender of the child?" The friend also bent over to look at him. "Why are they all daughters? It's better to have a son than a daughter. You should have a second child in the future."

    Oh, he immediately started.

    Li Yuze had never seen Xie Yiqi become like this before. He saw that he took his friend away, "Can you talk? If you are really busy, go to the kitchen to help pick up two heads of garlic."

    "I don't eat garlic." The friend thought He was right, and even raised a bar with Li Yuze, "I'm doing this for your own good. It's easy to be bullied when you have a daughter. Look at the news every day about domestic violence being beaten to death by her husband, or being beaten to death by a man while walking on the road. Hacked to death, you eight daughters will be heartbroken."

    "That's why I have to have more daughters, to reduce the crime rate for the country. Not only do I have a few more daughters, I also want to appeal to everyone to have more daughters. As for my daughter, don't be a selfish person, be a person who thinks about the society and the country." Xie Yi yelled at him, he wanted a few cute little daughters, and he needed him to point fingers and talk about people. Tired of words?   Li Yuze hugged Xie Yi, who wanted to quarrel with his friend, and patted his head soothingly, "Okay, okay, we don't know him in general."    

Zhou Weiwei also pulled his friend to tell him not to talk. He apologized to Xie Yi again, "He is such a poisonous mouth, and he knows what others don't like to hear.  I won't bring him next time."

    After closing his mouth, he stopped for two minutes, and then said to Xie Yi with a smile: "I said something wrong, I apologize to you, it's good to have a daughter, and I will give birth to a few more sons in the future. Your daughters are all married."

    "Who did you have a son with?" Zhou Weiwei was not happy anymore. When he saw that Xie Yi could have a child, he also went to the hospital for an examination and found that he couldn't have a baby.

His friends also knew about this, so why did he say such a thing when he knew it? "Do you want to break up with me and find someone else to have a baby?"

    Friends: "Don't think too much about it, I'll just say it casually."

    Every time Xie Yi and Li Yuze meet with the two of them, the most scenes they see are friends and Zhou. Unknown was tired of being together and deliberately put dog food in their mouths. Today is the first time I see them quarreling.

    Li Yuze was really afraid that the two of them would fight, so he quickly pulled his friend away, "You two have a chat, I'll talk to him about work."

    Xie Yi brought him some fruit, "I just moved and I didn't prepare anything. , you're leaving tomorrow, so don't be in a hurry to show you around."

    His house is really big, he was a little tired today, so he didn't take Zhou Wei around.

    Now Zhou Weiwei is not in this mood either. He cried and said, "He knows that all day long he says some nasty things to make me angry. I really envy you. Your husband is so good to you, and he will give you a bigger house."

     Hearing what he said, Yi recalled the way he got along with Li Yuze. He didn't seem to be very angry, but every time Li Yuze was overdoing it, he was upset for a while.

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