Chapter 8

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    Li Yuze glanced at his screen, and the person inside turned out to be the little star his friend showed him at noon.

    Li Yuze just took over the company. The company consists of a big brand and more than a dozen sub-brands. The design that Xie Yi took over is only a small project in the sub-brand. Li Yuze will definitely not see such a small project in person.

    Even if you look at it, it's not free now.

    He has only taken over the company for a week, and the senior management is all old people who have been in the company for many years.

    These days, he is fighting wits and courage with those people, like acting in a palace drama, and he has no time to watch such a small project.

    He just knows that there are several sub-brands in the company that are working on star co-branded models, and he knows some of the more famous ones. He doesn't even know the names of these little idols that have just become popular.

    Li Yuze didn't think much about it, he just thought that Xie Yi had to follow this variety show every week today, and he was very addicted. Even after finishing with him, he would habitually watch the show, "You won't go to work tomorrow? Are you still going to sleep?"

     "It's only ten years old. It's still early at o'clock." Xie Yi thought that he was really an excellent employee. He was working hard even after work, which must have moved the boss badly. He pretended to be very casual and replied, "I have to go to the company anyway. Look, why don't you watch it now." 

   Li Yuze: "..."   

  As he thought, Xie Yi has no ability, and he is just messing around in the company. However, he glanced at the man on the screen again, there was no variety show effect at all, except for his good face, Xie Yi was better than this man, no matter how bad he was, and his friends still couldn't compare to him, not even in the aspect of selection. .    

It just so happened that Xie Yi closed the variety show at this time, and opened a TV series, which was played by the star just now. The embarrassing acting was so embarrassing that Xie Yi's toes were kicked in the quilt.    

His action made Li Yuze mistaken for excitement and liking. He frowned even tighter, and reached out to grab Xie Yi's phone, "You're disturbing me."

    "Go home if you don't feel comfortable sleeping here." Xie Yi was so irritated by his interruptions that he avoided his hand to grab the phone, jumped out of bed, and couldn't help saying, "You are so annoying. Ah."

    After saying this, he jumped onto the sofa beside him, stepped on the sofa with his two legs, and continued to watch with his hands on his knees.

    After taking a shower just now, he changed his upper body into a suit without pants, and sat on the sofa like this, watching Li Yuze's heart skip a beat.

    "You are the first person to be annoying."

  When  Xie Yi heard the words of such a domineering president, he subconsciously wanted to laugh, but before he could laugh, Li Yuze took his phone away and rolled on the sofa again.

    When it was over, Xie Yi was so sleepy that he fell asleep. Li Yuze pinched his sleeping face, looking at the man who was finally subdued by him, showing a satisfied smile.


    Then it was busy work. After Xie Yi left Li Yuze's side, he didn't see each other for half a month. He met twice in the company, but they were all in a hurry.

    The first time was at the door of the company. There were two people next to Li Yuze. Xie Yi said hello to him, just like all the other employees said hello when they saw the president and left without stopping, as if they never stopped. Do not know the general.

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