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"Drink your medicine, Sana. You won't get better when you're always like that, come on! You need to help yourself"

"Nah, it tastes bitter"

"This woman, really"

"Aish! Let's go, Minari. We'll be right back and drink your medicine right here, right now!"

Momo and Mina left after that. They've been dealing with Sana since she went to the hospital, yet she's not even taking her medicines. It's really hard to deal with her, but they need to force her. This is also for her own sake after all.

For now, Sana only had them, her own family is on another nation- and Sana hated that fact. She thinks they loved their work more than her, which is not even true. They are just doing that for the sake of their daughter. They just wanted the best for her, that's all.

"Ms. Minatozaki"a soft voice called the said latter and Sana was just there laying on the bed with her close eyes.

She doesn't want to get up, she's too lazy to do so. But the nurse still continued to speak anyways.

"Dr. Hong said these foods are bad for your health"the nurse said after checking on the foods that was scattered over the table
"It’s important to control your cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight. This can gradually get worse, hence the importance of eating a healthy diet. I suggest, fruits and vegetables- both contain a healthy amount of vitamins and nutrients, contributing to your health"the latter stated

"You talked too much. I didn't eat all of that, my friends did"Sana defended

"Still, you ate those"

"Oh please! What can you expect me to eat? Those tasteless hospital foods, I'm done! So done"

"I have avocados with me, Ms. Minatozaki. You can have it"

Sana finally faced the nurse, which she received a smile from the latter.

"You should drink your medicine as well"

"Did you brought that avocados for me?"Sana asked, changing her tone into a cute one

"Actually, someone gave these to me, but you can have it now, this is very suitable for you"

"Okay. Give me that"the nurse didn't get out on its place, and that made Sana raised her brows

"Can you please drink your medicine first?"

"Argh fine"

She's not that stubborn to me.

"Why are you smiling?"Sana asked, grinning

"Nothing, Ms. Minatozaki"

"Is that a yogurt?"the latter just nodded
"Can I have some?"she asked

The nurse didn't answer at all so Sana take that as a no.

"Yah, I know fats are bad for my health"Sana pouted

"Actually, not all fat is bad. You can have this as well, I'll buy a new one for myself instead"Sana just returned the taller a smile, mouthing a small 'thank you'
"The truth is, eating healthy fats in moderation can be good for your health. Healthy fats can lower cholesterol and protect against heart attacks and stroke. These include monosaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats"she explained

After explaining those, the latter just found the patient's eyes to hers. She's not even listening to her and that's for sure.

She's just staring at her??

"Do you get me, Ms. Minatozaki?"

"You're cute"with that said, the nurse got caught off guard and she excuses herself

"I-I still got a call, Ms. Minatozaki"


After dealing with their patients, doctors and nurses gathered in the canteen to eat.

On the other table, there's the interns gossiping.

"So how's your patient?"

"You mean that naughty patient? The Japanese girl?"

"Just as I thought, she's not that stubborn"

"How could an intern starter like Chou Tzuyu make Minatozaki Sana, Minatozaki's only child, one of the most famous and rich family worldwide—

"You're too overreacting, Xiaoting"Dahyun shook her head

"Excuse me, Kim. Even me, I can't just make Ms. Minatozaki drink her medicines and eat foods that she doesn't like"Xiaoting stares at Tzuyu, amazed

"What's the big deal then?"Tzuyu asked, raising one of her eyebrows

"Simple, she likes the Minatozaki's heiress"Dahyun wiggled her brows

"Na uh, I'm not really into girls these days"Xiaoting denied, shooking her head
"I'm just her fan, alright?"she admitted

"A big no for me, she treated everyone rude"Dahyun uttured

And that, their names are being called and they flew to whatever room they are in.

On the other side,

Tzuyu deep a sigh, this is her first time so she needs to do her best to achieve the dream of her life.

"You got this, Chou Tzuyu. Fighting!"

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