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Ji li who was not yet stable reached the coffee maker and made himself a cup. And when he went towards his office met with Zhao lying who was obviously waiting for him. Going to sit he just on's the laptop to be busy with his work.

"Ji li, I'm sorry...I'm sorry to break your trust. I wish for our friendship to never break before I do something. Right now I'm not strong enough to fight this alone. Please forgive me, without yours how will Zhan forgive me?" Looking at him who didn't even dart his eye to her.

"If your done then take your leave."

"Ji li??..

"This is not a counseling and guidance office. Please take your leave."

"Forgive me. I was wrong. A coward. Yeah, heartless, do you think I don't know how much you cursed behind my back! I know. I saw how I destroyed your friend's, my friend's life. I regret right now. But at that time! Though you were my older brothers, and as Zhan too, that was the right choice I had as we were still young! You know nothing! Or else you couldn't curse me this way. You are the last hope, please forgive me. I need this much. I'm tired of hidding, it's too much now."


"What do you want!!" Standing up facing the window before he look at her. "I wasn't your friend to begin with and why of all did you come back!! Zhao lying?" Asks Ji li, frustrated they just look at each other.

"I never left Ji li. Was in this Beijing. There was no any fucking flight. There was no anything about leaving, I had no any luggage, no visa, no what? I was just alone running along the road, looking for a place to hide. No any face was left in me to face even my mother. Or else she would have died. I almost got raped if not for my now husband. He saved me from the mystical world. He brought me to life after meeting a psychology. My life too and brain was ruined. Because I took a break on everything around me. Didn't come out of the house, afraid of facing the world. But I needed to strengthen again. I needed to be alive to come and let out all of this. Regret has-been eating me alive. I'm sorry." She was now tear stained face.

"Then you could have moved on and never brought your face again. I HATE YOU!! Even if Zhan isn't. He was a man of an example, now why?..

"For both of us safety!! I didn't want to die early and also never wanted to make Zhan blame himself the rest of his life, like he does now. If I didn't do anything that day, we couldn't live a happy family either. Because sooner or later I would have died!!! Would have been killed to be made as an accident!!" Sobbing, she just wipes her tears and left the room to be bought into a hug by Jun.

"Jun...they can't believe me. No one is going to believe me. Because to their eyes in already a sinner. What should I do!!! Just what?? To make them believe me....

Sobbing, while inside Ji li isn't well convinced at all. So taking his clipboard just storms out of the room to make rounds living the couple's alone. Yibo was beside Zhan not even once he left the room but after seeing Ji li watching Zhan he left to speak with him giving Zhan a good room to rest.

"Doctor Ji li, what made Zhan's condition to be this way." Asks yibo.

"Anxiety with panic attack. And I think when he came here was having a fever." Speaks Ji li checking over his clipboard.

"Doctor Ji li. Sorry...but, why don't you think twice and have a time for her. Listen to her then think about it. For what I know is, even if she has a husband and as Zhan told me how they loved each other? It's clearly that, something is missing here. Why of all days she left at an altar, a day to remember, was he sure she left? I know deep down Zhan still wishes to forgive her but the sad memory inside his heart can't be healed yet who knows, time will tell everything. And before you or her loses this chance? Listen to her. Be zhan's shadow. Be an example as a friend, if you forgive her then it'll be your first step to convince him as a friend as well as telling him the main reason if needed. Think twice." Speaks yibo.

KNACK ROMANCE By PinkypankkieWhere stories live. Discover now