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In the evening~

A huge hall like sitting room, with white and red color decorated room, different people but most are teenagers, ladies and gents, mummures are heard because few already made friendship, trying to get well along. Xiang well mute sitting at the far corner his eyes closed, while yibo too is a little far beside him smiling and chatting.

"It's not like what you think. I couldn't just concentrate on my studies after when I heard about this. I love dancing and wish to be a pro on it." Smiling sheepishly.

"Well, I'm Jiang Cheng. I love dancing too. And that's why I came all the way from Hong Kong. Me too...left school, worst escaped from home to come here." Looking sad.

"So, you mean, your parents have no idea to where you are?" Asks yibo.

"No use because they'll find me soon, what can't a great business man fail to know, especially if it involves his son. I just wanted to escape that old man, who doesn't want to.listen on what I like. But until then, will fight." Smiling. "Let's get along very well."


Wang yibo or YiYi is a twenty four years old boy. Also came for his talent as his dream and future, A Dancer. Has been lucky since his young age, dancing very differently and more verbalized. Reaching the point he dropped out from school and started chasing his passion. Being the son of a middle class family of Mr Wang Yiren who owns a middle scaled fishing industry and his mother Wang Carmen as highschool teacher, as supportive parents couldn't get angry to their son but supported him, after all he was a genius boy and did best at school to please his parents. The only son it's their pleasure to do anything for his happiness and that is why after knowing about this, directly pushed him to join. Who knows?

Silences takes the lead after three people entering the hall, smiles on their faces. Sit on a five people couch.

"Hi everybody. How are you? I'll start by my introduction and my place with you here, from the start of the journey to the end. Zeuwu Jun, wil be your supervisor. I mean all of your life here, including basic needs, leisure, and everything that you'll do from morning to Dawn will be under me. Right now you might be craving for new clothes no need to worry because by tomorrow you'll take a stroll on every shop you'll wish for. Any questions?" He asks.

"Excuse me...." Raises yibo. "Are we also allowed to spend sometime outside? Maybe dinners, clubbing you know?"

"Everything. Them also will include. So don't worry." Ladies squirrels are heard.

"Hi everyone. Welcome to twenty twenty-one Got talents. Every after three years we get to dig out people's passions to make the world know that, life isn't contrlled by offices but also other talents like dancing and music, like you here. I'll cut short my introduction. I'm Mr Lee jong suk. A Korean yes. I am the managing director of this program. Thank you and welcome."

"Let's see. There are handsome and beautiful girls here, hmm~" speaks a melancholic voice of a very beautiful lady, standing up walks towards the ended direction only to stop infront of Xiang. "Hey, what's your name?" She asks him.

"I'm Xiang Zhan."



Sweating....'will I stop here?'


"Thirty." In a very low voice, one person hears.

"Hmm~ talent?"

"Singer." Palming his palms.

"No need to be embarrassed. You are not late, no! A talent does not need time. Even an old woman can have her talent revealed to anyone. Okay. *turning going at the center* everyone knows what had brought him and her here. My identity is Meng Ziyi. I'm the one promoting this issue, the head of this whole thing, supported by three confidential organizations. So don't feel afraid. But just show us what you have." Smiling she leaves directly the room followed by Mr wooseok. Only to remain with the supervisor.

KNACK ROMANCE By PinkypankkieWhere stories live. Discover now