🎤 FOUR 🎤

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Having choosing a lot of clothes with some more necessities, they were allowed to go and take stroll on near by places to meet again on their destination.

"Let's go and grab something." Suggests Cheng after placing their luggages in the coach.

"Sure." Having his neck massages. "Let's go Xiang Zhan." And the two walk towards a comfortable hotel for their tummy fill followed by Zhan

Eating in silence, that's what looked better for them, but yibo sneezed thrice making others look at him worried.

"Are you having a cold?" Asks Cheng.

"I think it's an early flu. My throat also feels sour." Having a glass of water emptied.

"Then let's buy some painkillers to avoid it spreading more." Suggested Cheng.

"That will be better." Smiling soon after eating headed over a pharmacy having himself some medicine, they headed back in the bus.

"You should rest." Again Cheng spoke when he drunk his medicine. Zhan was all silent, and this time yibo just choose to close his eyes and rest.

'Having him make noise all the time, feels bad now that it's silent.' thinking Zhan looked at the guy beside him, yibo is red on his ears, and face a bit maybe having a fever. Slowly reaching his hand, could feel a slight fever rising. A bit concerned he takes off his jacket covering him making him open his eyes.

"You have a fever." Speaks Zhan.

"I'm fine." Taking it off. "I'm not cold." Smiling

"Gibberish." Covering him back, Zhan looks again outside.

"Thank you." Having a look at Zhan. Darkness took him.

Opening his eyes, a whimper escapes yibo's mouth holding his head. Waking up, a towel falls from his face, with a basin, thermometer, painkillers beside. Yibo gains his surroundings that he is in his room. How? Again looks around as the door opens.

"Yibo, thanks God you are awake." Holding a tray of food on his hands, sits beside him.

"What happened to me? I was in the bus then..

"You couldn't wake up so, Zhan informed a supervisor to summon the doctor. A full day on bed and today, gained your consiouse. Here is the soup then you can have your medicine." Smiling.

"Where is Xiang Zhan ge?" He asks.

"He is on a leave." Saddening.

"Why?" Confused.

"Something bad happened. His mom, is no more....

Having himself looked in his room, Zhan is more soulless sitting on the bed looking nowhere. Just after bringing yibo, yesterday night, got a call from their house that his mother was dead, maybe didn't hear it well his supervisor came to inform him the news, his father had sent it. Directly he was taken to an emergency jet by Zeuwu Jun and left directly to the hospital, to find his mother's body well preserved in the morgue.


"I'm happy that your are happy mother is gone so you can do anything with me." No any emotion within, words feel empty.

"What kind of words are those? Your mother died from pressure, I guess she was hidding that fact-

"Because you didn't show any care! That's why she thought that telling you was useless. It's not even fair she had to die so fast, might have participated in her death because all you do is pressure her for none and useless things. She always tried to be the best of a wife... always followed and respected you except one thing, going against to being my supporter. *Streaming* I think she did very wrong in standing for me, that's why is said your soul... with your heart... Might be celebrating right now is it?" Turning around.

KNACK ROMANCE By PinkypankkieWhere stories live. Discover now