[Chapter 1]

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You looked up at the gates of your new school, Raimon. You were extremely nervous. You were never someone to be nervous about something, let alone a new school, but here you are. You showed up to school earlier than you were supposed to because of your nervousness. Since you showed up early, you walked around the school, looking around the main campus.

As you were looking around, you heard noises coming from the school's field. Shouting and cheering. You got curious. You walked over and saw a soccer team practicing. They passed the ball, kicked it into the goal, and were even using hissatsu techniques.

You've always loved soccer and enjoyed watching the team practice. You used to be on a soccer team, but terrible things happened on that team that made you have to leave. Not only that but your family had to move.

You walked down and stood off to the side. One of the three girls that stood with you noticed you. She approached you, her arms crossed.

"Excuse me," You looked at her. She had long red wavy hair and serious brown eyes. She took a closer look at you and her eyes relaxed. "You must be the new student, correct?"

"I am, yes. I'm (L/N) (Y/N)." The redhead smiled at you.

"I'm Raimon Natsumi. It's a pleasure to have you at our school, Miss (L/N)." You felt relieved hearing that and it made you less nervous.

"Natsumi, who is that?" A female voice asked. Two other girls walked up to you and Natsumi. A girl with dark green hair and a girl with black-blue hair and glasses on her head.

"This is our new student, (L/N) (Y/N)." The girl with glasses approached you after Natsumi introduced you.

"Hi, my name's Haruna Otonashi. It's nice to meet you (L/N)!" She stuck her hand out and you took it, shaking it.

"It's nice to meet you too Haruna. And you don't need to call me by my last name. (Y/N) is fine with me." Haruna nodded her head. The green-haired girl came up to you.

"I'm Kino Aki." You smiled. You already had friends.

"So, (Y/N)," Natsumi began. "Why are you watching the team? Do you want to join?" You shook your head.

"No, I just enjoy watching people play soccer."

"Have you played soccer before?" Haruna asked. You nodded your head. You were about to say something else, but then a voice stopped you.

"Watch out!" You looked over and quickly moved in front of Natsumi. You kicked the ball, making it fly in the air for a bit. It started to fall, which you caught. You held the ball in your hands, looking up at the team. They all looked rather impressed. The one who kicked the ball was a boy with blond spiky hair, and he looked at you impressed, and smiled at you.

"That was so cool (Y/N)!" Haruna cheered. You looked back at her and nervously smiled.

"It was just my instincts kicking it." You heard footsteps coming towards you and there you saw a boy with an orange bandana. He had a captain's band on his arm and a goalkeeping uniform.

"That was incredible! You caught the ball like it was nothing!" A very hyper boy, he was. You lightly laughed.

"Well, it is just a soccer ball. I had to stop it before it hurt Natsumi or me."

"Do you play soccer?" He asked you. You shook your head.

"Not anymore." As much as you loved the game and used to play it, you had a terrible experience playing it.

"What was your position on your old team? I bet you were an awesome goalkeeper!" He punched the air. You laughed at him.

"I was a forward." The team was pretty surprised.

"Well, whether you were a forward or a goalkeeper, you should join our team! We could use your skills!" He stuck his gloved hand out to you. "I'm Endou Mamoru, the captain of the soccer club." You took his hand and shook it.

"(L/N) (Y/N). You can just call me (Y/N)." Endou then started begging for you to join. Some of the other members came up to you and asked you to join. You sighed and agreed. Endou cheered and welcomed you (as if you weren't welcomed enough).

"Now we have another member to fight with us in the nationals!" A teal-haired boy said. Endou looked at him.

"Hey, you're right Kazemaru."

"That just means our team is going to get stronger." The team looked back and saw their coach.

The girls then called it off for morning practice and told everyone to get ready for school. The team ran to the clubroom and you and the girls walked towards the school entrance.

New friends, new team. You couldn't wait to start training with Endou and the others.

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