[Chapter 8]

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Training went like usual. Everyone took turns taking shots and aiming them at Endou. And you and Gouenji were training once again, helping you create your hissatus shot. You've gotten further with it, but still, at the same pace, you were before.

"You're getting better, but there's something you're missing," Gouenji stated.

"And what is it?" You asked him.

"Confidence." He said. "Your skills are incredible, I won't lie, but there's something holding you back and that's your self-esteem. What is it that holds you back?" You grew scared.

He can't know, no one should know...

"I..." You started. "I'm just..."

"Afraid?" He asked you. You nodded. "There's no need for you to be afraid. You know we're all here for you." You smiled.

"Yeah, I know." You looked down. Kidou watched you from afar and sighed. He wanted to help, but you were so reserved about yourself, that he didn't know how to help. Reassuring you only seemed to make things worse.

So once again, Kidou asked the coach to take you out for the rest of practice, to which the coach agreed. Kidou walked up to you and Gouenji.

Hey (Y/N), how are you doing?" Kidou said. You smiled at him.

"Pretty good. I think my move is almost complete!" You said enthusiastically. Gouenji smiled and agreed.

"That's good. Would you like to come with me?" You tilted your head.

"Why?" You asked. He shrugged.

"I forgot something at my house, it'll be a quick trip I promise." Kidou reasoned.

"Go on with him (Y/N), we'll leave our training here for today," Gouenji told you. You were a little hesitant before you decided to go with Kidou.

The walk to his house was quiet. Neither of you said anything, and the atmosphere seemed tense to you. He wanted to say something. Finally, you both arrived at his house. You weren't really shocked as most people would be since you also lived in a big house much like his. You made it to his room.

"So what did you forget?" You asked.

"Actually, that was a lie. I apologize." You looked at him confused, once again.

"What do you mean? So why are we here?"

"I wanted to talk to you. It's about you and your mental state." He began. "Does the team make you uncomfortable or something?"

"What? No, of course not-!"

"So why are you always holding yourself back? You're incredibly skilled and that's admirable, but you're not exactly using your skills." You were shocked at how well Kidou noticed the things about you so quickly. You looked down as tears fell from your face, remembering your past. Kidou sat next to you.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Kidou asked. You shrugged.

"(Y/N). I want to help you, and I can't do that if you don't tell me what's wrong. Please, tell me what's going on." He said to you and held your back, comfortably. You sniffed and hugged Kidou. He was shocked by the sudden affection, but he hugged you back.

"Tell me what's wrong?" He said, softly. So, after you calmed down, you began to explain.

"I was bullied by my team. I was supposed to be perfect, and every time I made a mistake, They would degrade and sometimes hurt me. It was too bad for me since I had no one who could help me. Not even my own coach would help me. I'm just scared of being a failure to the team, but I bet I'm already that, huh?"

"What? No, you're not!" Kidou told you, pulling you away so you could look him in the eyes. "(Y/N), you're an incredible player and friend. Don't worry about what little mistakes you made, they're just mistakes and you can fix them. You should be having fun playing soccer." He wiped a tear from your eye. "Don't put yourself down because you think you're worthless or imperfect. You're amazing, and don't forget that." You were speechless, yet you smiled at him.

"Th-Thank you Kidou. You really are a great friend. You leaned back into his arms and hugged him again. He hugged you back, a smile on his face. You stayed at his house a little longer before deciding to walk back to practice.

. . .

"Where have you two been?! And what were you doing?" Haruna asked, immediately after she saw you two walking together.

"We were just picking something up at Kidou's house. Calm down, Haruna." You said to her. She narrowed her eyes.

"Yuuto could've gone by himself though. So why did you bring her, Yuuto?" She turned to her brother. You laughed and walked away. Once you were far away, Haruna began.

"You like her! I know you do!" She whispered.

"I don't! Seriously calm down." Kidou said.

"Then why did you ask her to come with you to your house? To confess your feelings?"

"I don't like her like that. She's just a friend."

"Yeah, 'Just a friend." She said, sarcastically. Kidou walked away from her and walked up to Endou.

"What happened while (Y/N) and I were gone?" Kidou asked him.

"Aphrodi came by..." Kidou's eyes widened.


"He said that in tomorrow's game, Zeus would win... But I told him that that wasn't true!" Endou said determinedly then turned to everyone else. "We'll win against Zeus, no matter what it takes!"


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