[Chapter 2]

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The team waited on the field for you to get to practice. They were all excited to see your soccer skills. After you caught that ball, they were amazed. It was a flashy way to show your skills for sure (even though you didn't mean for that to happen). Once you and the team are all on the field, Endou tosses you the ball.

"Okay (Y/N)," Endou clapped his hands together and put them up. "Let's see your shot!" You were a bit nervous. You hadn't played in a long time. You took a deep breath.

"Alright Captain!" You placed the ball on the ground and stepped back. You readied yourself and ran, kicking the ball towards Endou. The kick was strong and the ball was moving fast, but not fast enough to get past Endou. He caught the ball using his God Hand. The team had walked up to you.

"I was kind of expecting more," Someoka said.

"Sorry! It's been a while since I played."

"That's okay," Endou said. "We'll just have to train you and bring you back to your old self." You smiled, agreeing.

"For right now, we need to get ready for the ceremony," Aki added.

"Ceremony?" You asked.

. . .

You were in the girl's locker room, in your uniform and fiddling with your fingers. The ceremony for the National Tournament made you nervous. You had just joined the team and it was making you almost regret joining.

"Maybe I should've joined after nationals..." You thought to yourself.

"(Y/N)!" You turned around and saw Haruna waiting at the door. "Are you okay?" You shrugged.

"I'm... I'm just a little nervous..." You were never the best when it came to large crowds. She walked up to you and hugged you.

"Don't worry about anything, (Y/N)," Haruna reassured "You've got the team behind you, well actually in front of you, but that's not the point." You laughed at her cuteness.

"Now come on! Everyone is waiting for you!" She took your hand and pulled you out of the room. After a bit of time walking, you and Haruna made it to the team, who were in a line ready to step out onto the field. Other soccer teams were there too, though you didn't know about them (You moved to Japan the day before joining Raimon so everything was new to you).

One by one, different teams walked onto the field. Sengoku... Teikou... Raimon... Kidokawa... Endou leads over, talking to one of the members of Teikou. You were confused.

"Hey, Someoka." You whispered to him. He looked at you as you pointed to Endou and the guy he was talking to. "Who is that guy Endou's talking to?"

"Kidou Yuuto. He's the captain of Teikou Academy." Someoka then explained the rivalry between Teikou and Raimon. Your mouth from an 'o' shape and nodded your head.

"And last but not least, Zeus Jr High!" The announcer shouted through the mic. Everyone expected the Zeus soccer team to come out, only to see a girl, holding a sign with the school's name, coming out onto the field.

"O-Oh... it looks as if Zeus hasn't shown up. Oh well, here are the teams who made it to the finals of the nationals!" The crowd clapped for everyone. That was strange for Zeus to not show up.

The ceremony had ended and the team was in the clubroom.

"I wonder who we'll be up against!" Endou said.

"Teikou is in a completely different bracket than us so it'll be one of the other teams," Kazemaru told Endou.

"We'll just have to find out will we?" You said. Endou agreed.

"And whoever we face, we'll beat them!" The team cheered with Endou.

"Our first opponent has been decided!" Aki shouted, barging into the clubroom. "It's Sengoku Jr High school."

Haruna began to explain about Sengoku and how they play. Endou grinned.

"We can beat them and since we have (Y/N) on the team, we win for sure!" He said.

"Sorry Endou," The coach's voice was heard. "(Y/N) will not be playing in the match."

"But why?"

"Even if we got her up to speed with her soccer skills, she won't be ready to play." The coach was right. You may have used to play soccer, but your skills weren't the way they used to be.

"It's okay guys, I'll still cheer you all on!" You reassured them. You gave the team a determined look.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" You looked at Endou smiling. You need to catch up with all of them and gain your skills back. 

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