[Chapter 19]

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You slept peacefully on the bus, covered with a blanket and resting on Kidou's lap. Kidou held your hand, looking out the window. You passing out on the field scared everyone. And what the coach said got everyone thinking. Mainly, everyone thought that she was just being harsh, but maybe there was more to what she said.

The team was now on their way to another school, the next potential target for Epsilon. Once they arrived at the school, everyone left to meet with the soccer team. Coach stayed with you while the team left.

After about half an hour, you woke up.

"Hmm..." You sat up, rubbing your head. You looked around seeing you were on the bus and the coach was outside the building.

"Coach?" You called out.

"Yes?" She answered, turning to you.

"Where are we? And where are the others?"

"We are at Divinity Jr. High school, where Epsilon will strike next." She explained.

"Okay..." You were about to walk back on the bus, but Hitomiko stopped you.

"So you're just gonna walk away? Like you did with Kageyama?" You gasped.

"How... How did you know about my history with him?"

"I, along with Hibiki-san, knew." She admitted. "You acted the way you did because of him, right?" You agreed with her.

"Are you scared of him?"

"No! Maybe?" You sighed. "It's like he hasn't actually left me. And every time I practice... he's there, watching me."

"Sounds like you can't let him go." She said, making you look up, tears filling your eyes. "Take some time to think for yourself, think about your acts, and apologize to your team. You don't want the same mistake that happened at (School/Name), right?" She left, having you think to yourself.

Weak! All that training and you didn't even defeat them.

"Get out of my head!" You yelled, grabbing your head.

. . .

After talking to Divinity's soccer team and being rejected, the team walked back to the caravan. As everyone approached the bus, they noticed you walking around. Kidou immediately ran up to you.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled your name. You looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey Kidou!" You greeted him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as the team surrounded the two of you.

"Better! I feel a lot better." You answered but then grew serious. "I'm sorry about my attitude from the match against Gemini Storm. I was just scared."

"It's okay." He held your hand, comfortingly.

"Yeah don't worry (Y/N)!" Bobby reassured you. The team began to comfort you. You smiled.

"They aren't mad at me... How wonderful." You thought to yourself.

. . .

The next morning, Epsilon arrived, challenging Divinity Jr. High, after destroying their school.

"We'll crush you, weaklings, within 6 minutes." Epsilon's captain shouted. Well, they kept to their words as Divinity was down within 6 minutes. Before Aliea could destroy a part of the school, Endou shouted that you and the team would take them on.

"But Endou," Ichinose said. "We only have ten players."

"No, we have (Y/N)!"

"Sorry Endou, but for this match, I will not allow her to play," Hitomiko said.

"I'd prefer that anyway." You said.

"Then Scotty can play!" Haruna said. Everyone was shocked and didn't really want Scotty on the field, but the coach allowed it, with Endou and Haruna believing in him.

"Alright, let's beat these guys!"

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now