[Chapter 25]

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The ball was quickly shot into the net. You were panting, out of breath.

"Again!" You said to yourself. You walked near the goal and readied yourself. From above the net, a soccer ball was shot out of a cannon fast. You ran, catching up to the ball and catching it between your feet. You decided to do something similar to what the glamour girls did during the match. Once you caught the ball, able to land this time again, you spun and kicked the ball, similar to Gouenji's Fire Tornado. The ball made it in again.

From afar, Kidou, Endou, and Rika watched you.

"She's really into this training!" Rika commented quietly. Kidou agreed as the three approached you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Endou announced his presence. You looked at him.

"Hey, Endou!" You stepped off the field, walking up to Endou, Kidou, and Rika.

"You're really working hard huh?" Rika asked.

"Of course! We have to beat those aliens!" You cheered.

"Just don't overwork yourself," Kidou told you and you nodded.

"Aw! You're worried about her!" Rika fangirled.

"She's my teammate. I look after all my teammates."

"But not as much as her!" The two began to bicker and you just laughed.

"Anyway, lunch is ready!" Endou said.

"Sweet! I'm starving! Let's go!" You said and walked out of the training room with Kidou and Rika behind you and Endou.

. . .

Everyone was eating lunch, grabbing food as if they were animals. You and the girls just laughed.

"You might want to get in there and eat (Y/N)," Natsumi said.

"I don't think I'll get anything really."

"You will." You looked over and saw Kidou. He had some food in his hands. "I saved you some."

"Thank you, Kidou! That was very nice of you." You smiled at him and began to eat.

"Isn't that so cute of you, Kidou? Giving her food!" Rika said, butting in and scooting you over closer to Kidou. You blushed and looked away from her.

"Could you give us some space?" Kidou asked her politely. She thankfully moved which made you move back to your original spot.

"She's worse than Haruna..." Kidou whispered.

"Yeah, you're right..." You whispered back to him and continued to eat. Soon, it was back to training. It was all defensive training after that and then to bed, ready to fight Epsilon.

When night came, you couldn't sleep. You wanted to wake Kidou up so you could talk to him, but he needed to sleep. You walked out of the tent and sat outside, thinking.

Kidou soon woke up, a bad feeling in his chest as he sat up. He walked outside and saw you sitting outside.

"Why aren't you asleep?" he said, making his presence known. "We've got a big day tomorrow."

"I can't sleep..." You told him. He sat next to you.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. You nodded and began to speak.

"I feel like I'm not getting any stronger..." You told him.


"The first time we played Epsilon, watching them play made me think I won't be able to make it through tomorrow's game."

"But you were at a low point at that time, you were still recovering from fainting at the game with Gemini Storm." Kidou reminded you. You sighed.

"Nothing about you is weak. If you're still thinking back on all the bullying that happened to you, don't think about it. It's hard I know, but you're becoming stronger every time I see you train."

"You mean it?" You asked with a small smile. He nodded and smiled back at you. "Thank you, Kidou. That makes me feel better." He blushed and began to think to himself.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed, you really helped me clear my mind of all the bad thoughts." You said and walked back to the tent. That's when Kidou confirmed his thoughts.

"Haruna's right... I do like her..."

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now