[Chapter 38]

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The Inazuma Plane had just landed, which meant the time to go to Liocott Island was close. Everyone was saying their goodbyes and wishing everyone good luck. Your parents were paranoid about you, especially your mother.

"Are you sure you have everything?"

"Yes mom, I have everything!" You told her, rolling your eyes. "Plus there are shops on the island so I can buy anything that I forgot, even though I know I didn't." You explained to her.

"Sorry honey, it's gonna be your first ever time alone without us. We're just worried for you." Your mother said.

"We want you safe and away from anyone that may cause trouble. So stay with someone."

"Like the buddy system, yeah I will Dad." You told him.

"Oh! Stay with your boyfriend, he'll keep you safe!" Your mom said cheerfully. You blushed in embarrassment.

"For the last time Mom, Kidou is not my boyfriend!" You groaned and grabbed your bag. Then you heard laughing.

"Come on (Y/N), don't deny it~." Fudou sang as he started making kissy faces and noises. You groaned once again as he teased you about your crush on Kidou.

"Shut it, baldy!" You insulted him. "Bye Mom, bye Dad." You hugged your parents.

"Bye honey, please be safe." She kissed your forehead.

"Call us every once in a while." Your dad said. You nodded and walked away to the girls.

. . .

During the plane ride, Kidou was watching you. You sat next to Fudou. You were playfully hitting him, he could hear you insult him and he insult you back, and it made him jealous.

"Looking at her again?" Sakuma asked. Kidou looked forward and blushed. "You can just tell her how you feel, I'm sure she feels the same."

"I doubt that..." Kidou whispered.

"Maybe try and spend more time with her, get to know her better, and maybe she'll fall for you."

"You think that'll work?" Kidou asked. Sakuma shrugged.

"She loves to spend time with you and all the stuff you do for her. Maybe continue that." Sakuma suggested. Kidou nodded.

"Okay..." He whispered again and looked at you again.

. . .

The plane landed, which meant you were finally on the Island. It was decorated with soccer merchandise and team flags. It was incredible. The bus drove you around the different sections of the island. Finally, you made it to your training center and you and the team began to unpack. You looked in your bag to make sure everything was there. Well, you forgot something.


"What? No no no no!" You searched everywhere in your bag and your pajamas weren't there. "Shit!" You shouted.

"Are you doing okay?" You turned around and saw Kidou in your doorway.

"Oh Hey Kidou, um... well I thought I packed everything but I forgot my pajamas." You told him and he nodded.

"No sleepwear? Mmm... well you can always use my pajamas. I have two pairs of pajamas with me, so you can borrow them." Kidou suggested. You raised a brow, a light pink blush on your face.

"Are you sure?" You asked and he nodded. "O... Okay thank you."

"Yeah let me just go grab them for you." He said and left. You smiled.

"Oh? Seems like someone is falling in love~" Haruna sang. You blushed.

"Why are you here? To tease me?" You asked her. She giggled.

"No, I just wanted to check on you and I'm glad I did!" She said and walked away. You rolled your eyes as you waited for Kidou to return. He came back and handed you his pajamas. You thanked him and set them down on your bed, going to help the girls with dinner.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now