[Chapter 34]

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Two matches down! The Australian team was defeated and the match with the Desert Loins was a win for Inazuma Japan! But the match with the Desert Lions kicked everyone's butt. After that game, there was only one thing left to do. And that was to wait for the final match to be called out. Everyone was training hard for the upcoming match, which showed how anxious they were.

You, the girls, and Willy helped out here and there, but to you, it wasn't enough. So one night, an idea hit you and you woke up early to prepare a giant breakfast for the boys and the managers. An hour passed, which was about the time the managers woke up, and they saw you in the kitchen.

"Hey girls!" You smiled as you set pancakes down. "How did you guys sleep?"

"(Y/N) you did all this by yourself?" Aki asked. You nodded.

"I figured it would be nice for you guys to relax and not have to do anything for once. You all are doing great and you deserve a reward!" You told them. Haruna had tears in her eyes as she hugged.

"(Y/N) you are so amazing! Thank you!" You laughed.

"Let's set up the mess hall and then we'll wake everyone up and eat." You said and the girls agreed.

. . .

Kidou yawned and stretched, placing his goggles on his face.

"Oh good, you're awake. Get ready! Breakfast is being served!" Haruna cheered as she closed his door, waking up the next person. Kidou smiled and began to dress. The team was up and walking downstairs. The smell of bacon and eggs filled their noses.

"It smells so good!" Kabeyama said.

"Yeah, it does!" Endou agreed. Once they walked into the mess hall, their mouths dropped as they saw the amount of food displayed.

"Bon appetit boys!" You said to them, smiling.

"Wait, you guys made all this?" Endou asked.

"Actually, it was all (Y/N). She made everything!" Aki said. You blushed.

"It was the least I could do for you guys!" You said.

"Thank you so much (Y/N)!" The team said all together. You blushed.

"Alright everyone let's eat!" Endou cheered. And so they began to eat. While everyone ate, Kidou sat and watched you eat with Aki and Furuya. Haruna then approached her.

"She's wife material, isn't she?" Haruna asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up Haruna," Kidou said and continued to eat, occasionally staring at you. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now