[Chapter 11]

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Not even 5 minutes into the game, Zeus was tearing Raimon apart slowly. Shot after shot. Pass after pass. It was unbearable for you and the others on the bench to watch. At this point, you, the team, and everyone in the crowd knew that Zeus was just playing with them.

After the second half started, you couldn't stand there and watch. You nonchalantly ran onto the field and kicked the soccer ball out of bounds, protecting Kidou as the ball was flying towards him. The shot was powerful but not as strong to take you down.

You were mad. They were hurting your teammates, your friends. Everyone was shocked at your sudden action.

"You weren't supposed to do that!" The referee said, only for the coach of the Zeus team, Kageyama, to say that it was fine. You looked over to the coach in disgust and then turned to Kidou.

"Are you okay, Kidou?" You asked him, helping him up.

"A-A little..." You looked around the field. Everyone was injured.

"Substitution!" You heard coach Hibiki call out. The whistle was blown. You looked over at the coach. You were going in, for sure.

"Willy for (Y/N)!" You nodded and went over to help Willy. Once he was off the field, you stood on the field, anger in your eyes. The whistle blew and you had the ball. At this point, you didn't care anymore. Zeus tried to run at you, and attack your legs, but none successful. However, Aphrodi, the captain, ran beside you.

"Don't you see you're just a weakling! Fighting gods like us is near impossible for a mortal like you-!"

"You're wrong!" You shouted. You stopped, causing Aphrodi to stop too, and stand in front of you. Aphrodi was about to take the ball from you, only you didn't have the ball. Gouenji did.

He ran down the field and used Fire Tornado to score. However, the ball was caught by the goalie.

"So close! (L/N) faked dribbling, passing it to Gouenji while Aphrodi was distracted! Very impressive!" The announcer yelled.

"You can't call yourself a god if you're faking your power." You whispered to Aphrodi and walked away, back to your position. The goalie threw the ball to Aphrodi.

"This ends now..." He said and ran towards you.

"(Y/N)! Dodge him!" Kidou yelled. You didn't move. Aphrodi kicked the ball to you with all his might. You ran towards it, kicking it back and deflecting the shot and intersecting it.

"I'm a lot stronger than you think. I endured training that destroyed me physically and emotionally..." You said to Aphrodi as you ran past him. You ran, dodging everyone. Gouenji ran alongside you.

"Do it (Y/N)! Show everyone your shot!" Gouenji yelled. You smirked and kicked the ball up. You jumped up with the ball and pretended to draw back an arrow. You shot the ball in the net, arrows surrounding the ball, and the ball was soon outlined with an arrow.

The stadium was silent until the announcer yelled, "GOAL!"

"(L/N) was able to get past Zeus' goalie, earning Raimon their first point!" Everyone cheered and the team ran up to you.

"That was incredible (Y/N)!" Endou told you. "What are you calling it?"

"Call it 'Arrow Shot!'" Willy shouted.

"Actually, I'm calling it Infinite Arrow." Willy cried. You laughed.

"This is just one goal though, guys. If they score 100, we score 101, remember?" Everyone cheered.

"Let's get our points back guys!" Endou shouted.

After that, everyone was working hard. You somehow motivated everyone again. Kidou was beyond impressed. It was like the mini-match you had with the Mukata triplets. Aphrodi angered you, but there was someone else that made you angry. He just couldn't figure out who.

. . .

The game was over. Raimon won. And Kageyama was once again put into custody. You and the team held the trophy with broad smiles. Kidou put a hand on your shoulder.

"You did amazing (Y/N)." He told you.

"You did amazing too Kidou!"

"May I ask you something?" He asked. You nodded. Haruna perked up as she listened in.

"Why did you call your move 'Infinite Arrow'?" Kidou asked. Haruna frowned, thinking he would confess something to you. You smiled.

"Because every arrow is an obstacle that makes me stronger!" You answered. He smiled, but then began to think. What obstacles in life did you have to go through?

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