[Chapter 40]

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The party was nice, kinda boring, but nice. You were standing around, looking up at the decorations and admiring the night sky. You enjoyed standing alone and thinking to yourself as you always did when you were alone.

"Hello, beautiful." You looked forward and saw a boy with teal hair like Kazemaru and styled down with bangs covering one eye. "I couldn't help but notice you staring at the sky. You look extraordinary." He complimented you. You smiled.

"Thank you," You thanked him. He held his hand out to you.

"I'm Edgar Valtinas, captain of England's Knights of Queen. And you are?" He introduced himself to you.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I'm a manager for Inazuma Japan." You introduced yourself and put your hand out to him. He took it and kissed your hand.

"I see, your name is beautiful." You smiled awkwardly. Once he let go of your hand you wiped your hand on your dress, making sure he didn't see you.

"Inazuma Japan is lucky to have a manager like you; beautiful, smart, caring, and kind." You smiled at the compliments.

"That's nice of you to say Mr. Valtinas."

"Oh please, just Edgar is fine, (Y/N)." He corrected you. He continued to talk to you, which honestly made you uncomfortable. He was trying too hard when it came to his compliments. You didn't want to be rude by walking away and you were too anxious to excuse yourself.

From afar, Kidou saw you and Edgar. Thankfully he saw your face, obviously uncomfortable. He was furious and jealous. So, he walked up to you both.

"(Y/N)," You and Edgar looked at him. "Haruna needs your help keeping Scotty under control."

"Oh... Yeah, O... Okay, excuse me, Edgar." You said and walked with Kidou.

"Thank you, Kidou." You whispered to him.

"Yeah, no problem." He whispered back and you stood by him. Then Endou and Aki showed up. Endou was in his goalkeeping uniform. He came back though in a suit. You and Kidou walked up to Endou.

"Where the hell were you?" You asked him.

"I got caught up in playing with Fideo and the other captains and I lost track of time," Endou said. You rolled your eyes.

"Aki's right, you do train too much." Endou laughed, then there was more laughing from behind him. It was Edgar.

"My! Doesn't that tux suit you?" He said, mocking him. Everyone looked at him in shock.

"What was that comment for?" Willy asked.

"I was complimenting him."

"It did sound like a compliment to me," Kabeyama said.

"Guys it's fine," Endou reassured.

"But Captain, he just insulted you," Todd said.

"Actions speak louder than words," Endou said.

"Oh? Then how about a mini-match?" Edgar suggested. Endou agreed. He was back in his goalkeeper's uniform and Edgar was in his own soccer uniform.

"Are you ready Endou?" He asked. Endou nodded.

"Go ahead, Edgar!" Endou readied himself for his shot. Edgar huffed as he kicked the ball, using his hissatsu, Excalibur. It made it past Endou, which surprisingly got him fired up for the upcoming match. Everyone went back to the party, talking about the shot.

"It looked really powerful," Kidou said as he walked with you.

"It's not that powerful, from where he was standing the shot looks like a long distance so we should watch his distance." You said, analyzing as best you can from what you remember.

"Since when did you become an analyst?" Kidou asked, laughing.

"Well, I can't play because of my ankle, it's not healed properly so I'm gonna help by finding out our opponents' moves before we play. A soccer analyst." You explained. Kidou smiled as he listened to you.

The party was about over and the coach called you all back to the training center. As you and Kidou walked together, someone approached you two from behind.

"Miss. (L/N)?" You turned around and saw Edgar behind you. "Before you take your leave, I wanted to say I can't wait to see you again soon." He then winked at you. You smiled and then started walking with Kidou to the bus. Kidou had an angry, jealous look on his face.

Once you got back to the training center, you put on the pajamas Kidou gave you. You smiled at how comfortable they were. They even smelt like his cologne. You lay in bed and sighed lovingly and peacefully dozed off. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now