[Chapter 52]

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You woke up and looked around. You remembered what happened and looked around more at where you were.

"My queen, you're awake." You looked over and saw the same stranger.

"Where am I?" You asked the stranger.

"The temple of Hell, I am your right-hand man, Desuta." He introduced himself and bowed. You didn't understand why he was acting like this towards you. You heard someone crying for help. It was Haruna.

"Haruna!" You tried to run to find her, but Desuta stopped you.

"No no my queen you can't leave just yet. The transformation hasn't changed you yet." You got scared as he held your wrist tightly.

"W...What do you mean transformation..?" you asked. Desuta smirked and placed you back on the bed you were sleeping on and he walked out, locking your room door. You stood up and banged on the door.

"Hey! Let me out!" You shouted, but he didn't look back. The necklace started to glow, which began to change you.

"Help me!" You screamed. "Kidou! Help me!"

. . .

Kidou and his chosen team went down the stairs, searching for Haruna and hopefully you too. No one knew where you would be but they knew they had to find you before it was too late. Desuta challenged Kidou to a match, in return for their win, Haruna would be given back. However, there was still you they had to get to.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Kidou asked, shouting rudely to Desuta.

"The queen is resting."

"We want (Y/N) back too," Kidou demanded. Desuta clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"I don't think that will be possible," Desuta said and smirked. "Now, let's play!"

. . .

The whistle blew indicating the end of the game. Haruna happily ran to Kidou, hugging him. Kidou hugged her back, letting her know she was safe. Endou and the other half of the team showed up with Rika safe. All that was left was to get you.

"I heard (Y/N) yelling." Haruna said to Kidou. "She was screaming for help and calling your name, but then after a while, she stopped. I don't know why."

"Don't worry, we'll get her back," Kidou said determined.

"Well well well..." Desuta began. "You may have won this game, but this next match will surely show you the power of the Dark Angels!" Soon the combined angels and demons team stepped out. And you stepped out, wearing their uniform. Everyone was in shock to see you on that team, however, you looked different. Your eyes were the same (E/C) eye color anymore. They were pure black. You had black angel wings on your back and sharp nails. You wore the dark angel's uniform with a black cloth draped around your waist. You stood above them, anger on your features. Kidou was shocked and sad. They had manipulated you into evil.

"My queen, shall we begin the match?" Desuta asked and bowed to you. You looked at him and nodded. A light cast down on the eleven players you wanted to play, Kidou being one of those players. Kidou stood up straight and tightened his fist. He will get you back to normal.

. . .

As hard as it was to play against the Dark Angels, Inazuma Japan won. You and the rest of Dark Angels were shocked at Inazuma Japan's strength. The necklace around your neck broke and you passed out. Your wings were gone, and only black feathers fell to the ground. Your nails were back to normal and for sure, your eyes were back to their original (E/C) color. Kidou quickly ran to you and picked you up.

"We apologize for what has happened," Sein said. "I promise you she will wake up, but it will take a while for that to happen."

"Thank you," Kidou said and picked you up. Then, the place began to crumble.

"We gotta get out of here!!" Quickly, everyone ran out and safely made it back to the training center.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now