[Chapter 7] Pt. 1

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Endou had been working hard on Majin the Hand, a little too hard. He was getting frustrated and was losing hope of winning. The team was starting to lose hope of winning against Zeus too. Endou wanted to learn this move so badly. So Natsumi and the coach pulled everyone together to share his idea.

"A training camp?" Endou questioned. He didn't already seem too fond of the idea.

"Yep! We'll spend the night at school, cooking together and learning stuff about each other," Hibiki explained.

"The chairman has granted you all permission to stay here," Natsumi added. It sounded fun. Everyone was excited, but Endou didn't like the idea and tried to argue back.

"As nice as that sounds, we don't have time for a training camp," Endou argued. "We only have two days and I have to master Majin the Hand by then."

"And the progress?" Hibiki asked. "Have you mastered even a bit of it?"

"Well no but-"

"Majin the Hand is an impossible tactic only Endou Daisuke can master."

"So you're saying that Endou's grandpa made the move to only be mastered by him and not anyone else?" You asked Hibiki. He turned to you.

"Pretty much. I even tried to master it, but never succeeded." Endou just looked shocked. Everyone's heads were down, hopelessly.

"It won't matter right now. You're all going to the training camp. We'll worry about the move tomorrow."

"Everybody pack what you need and meet here tonight," Hibiki said.

"Yes sir!"

. . .

You were searching your room, grabbing your necessities for the training camp. Once you knew you had everything, you grabbed your overnight bag and walked downstairs.

"I'm going to the training camp now Mom and Dad!" You shouted to them as you were about to leave.

"Have fun kiddo!" Your dad called out, but your mom walked up to you as you were walking out.

"Did you pack everything you need?"

"Yes, mom."

"Toothbrush and toothpaste?"


"A pillow?"


"Change of clothes?"

"Yes mom, I have everything!" You told her, not wanting to be late.

"Okay! Bye (Y/N)!" She hugged you and kissed your cheek. You pushed her away.

"Mom! Stop!" You finally got off of her and started walking, only to stop again when you saw Kidou chuckling, but trying to hide it. You blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh? Is that one of your teammates?" Your mom asked. "Or maybe that's your boy-"

"Bye Mom!" You shouted and pushed Kidou down the street.

"Hehehe! Your mom is funny!" Kidou said, slightly chuckling. You grew embarrassed and looked down at your feet.

"Why, world... Why do you hate me?" You asked, looking up, causing Kidou to just chuckle.

Even after some time of walking, you made it to the camp.

"(Y/N)! Yuuto!" You heard Haruna as she jumped to you for a hug. You smiled and hugged her back.

"I see you both walked together," She mentions and you nodded.

"Yeah, we did!" Kidou chuckled a little, causing you to elbow him.

"Well, let's set your sleeping bags!" She cheerfully said, pushing you to Aki and Natsumi.

"So~ Yuuto," Haruna whispered to him. "What's going on with you and (Y/N)?" Kidou shook his head.

"It's not what you think it is." He walked away and began to set up his sleeping area. Hernia crossed her arms, watching her brother.

. . .

After Endou arrived (late) everything was in place and everyone was hanging out, eating, and just talking. Kidou and you occasionally stole glances at each other, smiling, waving then going back to what you were both doing. Haruna noticed.

"Okay, something is definitely up between you two," Haruna said to Kidou.


"You're staring at her! What, do you like her or something?" She asked. Kidou rolled his eyes.

"We're just friends. And all I'm doing is looking at her, not giving her lovey-dovey eyes." Kidou reasoned. "You really need to stop jumping to conclusions." He then walked over to help Todd with the soup. Haruna crossed her arms together.

"You like her, and I'm going to prove it..." Haruna whispered to herself as she smiled.

You and Steve were working together, and Kabeyama was poking Steve's shoulder. It was starting to annoy him.

"What do you want Kabeyama?!" Steve yelled.

"Where's the bathroom?" Kabeyama asked. You and Steve looked at him confused.

"We're at school, Kabeyama..." You said, unamused.

"Yeah Kabeyama, just go, you know where it is."

"But I don't want to go alone," Kabeyama stated, a bit scared.

"Are you kidding me, no way!" Steve yelled.

"But what if there's a g-ghost!"

"Seriously? A ghost?" You said, again, unamused.

"Come on Kabeyama, how old are you?!" Steve asked. You shook your head.

"Fine! I'll go with you Kabeyama." You said.

"I'll go with you too..." A creepy voice said to Kabeyama, scaring him, Steve, and you. You jumped back at the voice and Kabeyama jumped into Steve's arms. It was just Jim.

So the three of you were walking through the school, searching for the bathroom. You walked beside Jim, while Kabeyama stood behind you two. Kabeyama jumped.

"What now, Kabeyama?" You asked him, turning to face him.

"I heard something..." He said, terrified, and looked at you. Standing over you was a figure of a man, which made Kabeyama scream and run, grabbing Jim and leaving you.

"Hey! Kabeyama!" You yelled. You turned around and saw the man, scaring you.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now