[Chapter 58]

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Once you got to the airport, your parents were there, ready to take you home. You hugged Kidou and kissed him. You saw your parents' faces light up in happiness. You waved goodbye to the team and went with your parents. During the car ride, your mother was asking so many questions, as she usually did.

"I knew you would end up with Kidou." She giggled.

"It was bound to happen dear," Your father said. "She really took a quick liking to him." You blushed.

"Stop you guys!" You shouted and crossed your arms. They just laughed.

"The team did amazing, we saw them on TV." Your father added. "I think the team needs a celebration." You raised your brow.

"We were gonna make reservations at this arcade for all of you as a way to celebrate, what do you think of that (Y/N)?" Your mother asked. You smiled and got excited.

"I think they'll love it!" You cheered. "I'll get everyone together tomorrow to tell them." Your parents smiled.

. . .

When you got home, you texted the team and told them to meet at the school the next day. Thankfully it was the weekend so there were no classes that day.

The next day everyone got to school and waited for you. You arrived in a big party bus your parents rented out for you and the team. You invited them in and they were in awe.

"(Y/N), how did you get this party bus?" Haruna asked. You giggled.

"Well, my parents rented it so we have transportation to go somewhere very special." You said.

"Where are we going?" Hiroto asked.

"As a way to celebrate, my parents got a whole party room reserved at the local arcade for a victory celebration." You told them. Everyone cheered and thanked you.

"Jesse, let's get to the arcade, please!" You said to your driver. He nodded and began to drive you all to the arcade.

"This is awesome (Y/N)!" Endou said. "Thank you to you and your parents for this." Everyone else thanked you.

"No problem Endou, you all deserve this." You took out a small gift box and handed it to Kidou.

"My parents wanted me to give this to you. It's their gift from them to you." Kidou took it and kissed your cheek before opening it. Inside was a note and a small keychain. Kidou opens the note and you sneak a peek at what it said.

"A gift to our soon to be son in law, take care of our daughter!" Kidou was blushing lightly, but you were embarrassed by the note.

"Damn it mom and dad..." You whispered. Kidou laughed and wrapped an arm around you.

The bus stopped after about 30 minutes of driving, and you were in front of the arcade. You all walked into the arcade, getting to your party room. There was pizza, salad, wings and ice cream cake. After you all ate, you all began to play games and try to win prizes. You and Kido, of course stayed together, challenging each other to some arcade games. He let you win, but tried to win some games. Some he won and some you won. You all earned prizes at the end of the day and went back on the party bus. You dropped everyone home, Kidou being the last person. However, you asked your mom and dad if he could spend the night at your house. When they agreed, you got excited and so did he.

You stopped back at his house for clothes and went back to your house, setting up a sleeping area for you two in the living room. All you two did was cuddle while watching movies. You smiled and put your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat and slowly your eyes closed, falling asleep. Kidou felt you fall asleep and smiled down at you and kissed your forehead.

"Good night my love." He whispered and turned the TV off, falling asleep next to you.j

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now