[Chapter 9]

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The match with Zeus was today. You took a deep breath as you took your bag with you, with all your soccer things. You walked downstairs and saw your parents waiting at the door.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Your dad asked. You nodded and walked with them to the car. As your driver drove, you looked out the window anxiously.

"Something bothering you (Y/N)?" Your mom asked.

"I'm just... nervous... I mean, I don't want to mess anything up for anyone and I'm having doubts about today's match."

"Are you saying you don't want to play at all?" Your dad asked.

"Yeah..." You said, sadly. Your parents looked at each other then looked at you.

"Sweetie, we know what happened in Greece was tough on you. The bullying, your mentor, everything about it. But it's time for you to shoot your shot."

"Shoot my shot?" You questioned your mother.

"She's right. You must aim for your goals, like shooting a bow and arrow." Your father said.

"It may take a long time to grow stronger, but no matter how many obstacles you face, your arrows will pierce anyone." Your mother said. You thought about it for a bit, then smiled.

"Thank you, guys. I could've asked for better parents." You said and hugged them.

"We're almost there Sir, Madams." Your driver said as you approached the stadium. There in front of the stadium was the Inazuma Caravan. Your driver parked behind the caravan and you exited, walking up to your team.

"Hey, guys!" You greeted them. They waved at you, greeting you.

"We will be waiting inside the stadium, cheering you on today." Your mother whispered to you.

"Thank you, Mom. You too Dad." You thanked them and they walked away into the stadium.

"Let's head to the stadium!" Endou said, enthusiastically. Everyone agreed and followed him. While walking, Kidou began to walk with you.

"Are you ready for today's match?" He asked you. You shrugged.

"I guess. I'm nervous and excited. It's all mixed emotions." You told him, looking at him.

"We'll do great. And we'll walk out of here victorious, that's for damn sure." You smiled at his confidence. As you arrived at the entrance, you noticed the sign on the stadium door.


"What? What the hell is happening?" Endou asked out loud. Suddenly, Natsumi got a call. She answered.

"Raimon Natsumi speaking. . . What?! That's absurd! . . . Oh, I see. Okay, thank you." She ended the call.

"Who was it?" Endou asked.

"The Football Commissioner. They changed the location of the match." Natsumi explained.

"Change it to what?"

"Change it to-" Natsumi said but was interrupted by looking up at the stadium. A giant stadium bowl was placed on top of the actual stadium.

You and the team walked into the new stadium, full of people. Already, the team grew nervous, you especially.

"Come on guys, let's warm up!" Endou said and the team followed his actions by running onto the field. As you began to warm up, the Zeus team came down from the sky, it looked like. You and the team looked over and to your and the team's absolute shock, Kageyama was there. You looked at him with wide eyes.

"No... Not him again...

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now