[Chapter 5] Pt. 1

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Raimon was training. Everyone was working on their skills for the upcoming match. A new member, Ichinose Kazuya, joined as well, teaching Endou about a move called, "Tri-Pegasus."

While they worked on that, Gouenji decided to help you with your shooting skills. He thought if you came up with a hissatus shot, it would help regain your confidence back. It was a lot harder than he thought.

You shot the ball towards the net, with barely any power.

"Come on (Y/N)! Put all your strength into the ball!" Endou shouted, trying to encourage you. You were frustrated. Gouenji walked up to you to talk to you about your shooting. Kidou watched you from afar. He felt bad for you. He knew you were upset about the last match. The next match he knew would be difficult for you too.

"Our opponent has been decided!" Haruna shouted. "It's Kidokawa."

Gouenji was shocked. The team knew about Gouenji's ex-team, Kidokawa and they felt kind of bad for him.

You noticed Gouenji's state and placed a hand on his shoulder. He smiled sadly.

. . .

As you were about to walk home, you heard someone shouting your name. Confused, you turned around and saw Endou running at you full speed. He stopped before he could run into you, breathing heavily.

"(Y/N)..." He breathed out. "Come... With us..." You raised a brow.


"It's a surprise!" Endou grinned. You looked behind Endou and saw Gouenji and Kidou. You smiled seeing Gouenji -- he looked happier than earlier at practice.

You shrugged and said, "Why not? I'm not doing anything." Endou cheered and walked ahead, leading the three of you. Gouenji was behind you and Kidou as you both walked side by side.

"We didn't really have a proper introduction, huh?" Kidou said, starting a conversation. You nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Kidou Yuuto, as you already know."

"(L/N) (Y/N), as you already know too." You both laughed at the terrible introductions.

"How are you liking Raimon?" You asked Kidou. He looked at you and smiled.

"It's nice."

"Do you miss Teikou?" He nodded at your question.

"Yeah, but I have to beat Zeus. If I can't, then I'm letting my team down." Kidou looked down at his walking feet. "I want revenge for what they did to my team and I'll get that revenge no matter what." You smiled and nodded, showing him your understanding. He was definitely someone who stood for justice.

"Then I'll help you!" You shouted. Kidou laughed lightly and patted your head.

"Thank you (Y/N)."

"We're here!" You and Kidou looked up at the store, seeing all the candy inside.

"A... Candy store?" You questioned.

"Yeah. What, you've never been in a candy store?" Endou asked.

"Of course I have." You, Gouenji, and Kidou said in unison. As much as you three wanted to go in, you all decided against it. You sat with Kidou on a bench and Gouenji grabbed a drink.

"How are you liking Raimon? Endou mentioned you were new to the school too." Kidou asked. Gouenji listened in, not saying a word.

"I like it. Endou and everyone else on the team made me feel welcomed and-"

"Hey! No cutting!" A little kid's voice yelled. You, Gouenji, and Kidou ran into the store. Three guys – most likely brothers since they looked alike – were in front of a girl by a counter.

"Or what shrimp?" The pink-haired brother said.

"Please move, she was here first dear." The old lady, running the shop, said.

"Be quiet, old lady!" The green hair brother said.

"Listen to the old lady and move, assholes!" The three brothers looked at the entrance to the shop and saw you, looking angry. Gouenji and Kidou looked at you in shock.

"You got something to say, beautiful?" The pink-haired brother said again. Was he trying to flirt with you? Teasing you maybe?

"What the hell...?" You whispered but immediately went back to being mad.

"Yeah actually, I do." You were walking towards them. "Stop being a dick, and move your fat-"

"(Y/N)!" Gouenji yelled. He grabbed you before you got close to the three. "Don't... please."

"Hey look, it's Chicken boy!" The pink-haired boy said. The two brothers laughed, repeating "chicken boy" to Gouenji. Gouenji was angry with them but stayed calm.

"I can handle this, okay?" You nodded, understanding.

"I didn't think you could be so mean," Kidou whispered.

"They are just entitled brats who need to be talked down to so they understand that they are the same as everyone else." You said to him. After all the bullying in Greece, you've learned that you need to stay strong. Kidou looked at the three brothers.

"I can't believe you ditched us on the day of our semi-final tournament!" Then it hit Kidou.

"The Mukata triplets..." Everyone looked at him. "You three are the Mukata triplets. Masaru, Tomo, and Tsutomu."

"Glad someone knows us!" Tomo said, confidently.

"Well, there aren't any other triplets who play soccer here, so..." Kidou mentioned. You looked at him confused.


"They're one of the national favorites. Last year they were in the semi-final round and lost."

"We only lost because of Chicken boy here!"

Tomo chimed in.

"But you don't know the full story! He-" Endou began but was cut off by Gouenji.

"That's enough!" Gouenji yelled. "The past is the past..." He whispered and walked away.

"Let's go," Kidou said and you agreed. Endou followed. Unfortunately, the triplets followed too.

"Oh? Is Chicken boy scared of us? And his chicken friends are running away too!" Masaru shouted.

"How about you fight us, Gouenji?" Tsutomu suggested, but Gouenji didn't listen.

"If he won't, I will!" Endou said. Everyone looked at him, shocked. You smiled. You knew Endou cared for Gouenji, he knew of Gouenji's situation after all.

"Okay! Let's go then!" Tomo said. 

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