[Chapter 44] Pt. 1

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You, Kidou, Sakuma, Fudou, and Endou started walking around the Italian side of the island to find Fideo. Once you guys found him and found out about his team's injuries, you all knew Kageyama was behind all of this.

"We have to stop him!" Endou said. "Fideo, how about the five of us help you? We can play on your team for your match against Mr. K tomorrow." Endou suggested.

"You guys can do that," Fudou said. "I'm not doing that. Come on (Y/N)." Fudou said and started walking away. Kidou stopped him.

"We're staying together." He told Fudou. "But I do agree with Fudou, Endou. I won't play on the team either."


"Endou," Fideo interrupted Endou. "It's nice for you to help us, but we can do this ourselves." Fideo smiled, reassuring Endou. Endou sighed and respected his wish.

Instead, you all decided to find Kageyama.

"Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way." Kidou suggested.

"Alright, I'll go this way," Endou said, pointing in the direction he wanted to go.

"I'll go with you, Endou." You said and went to his side. Kidou was hurt, but he understood why.

"Alright, stay safe you two," Kidou said and you and Endou walked away, searching. Fudou walked the other way, his hands in his pockets. Kidou was about to follow him, but Sakuma said he would. Kidou agreed for him to go and he ran, looking around.

After a few minutes of searching and there was no sign of Kageyama. But Kidou still felt watched. Eyes of the one he was looking for were staring at the back of his head. Kidou looked around paranoid.

"It's been a long time, Kidou Yuuto... My greatest creation..." That was his voice. Kidou looked around for him and saw him walk into an alley.

"Kageyama!" Kidou shouted his name. Where is he?

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Kidou asked out loud. Kageyama smirked as he stood in an abandoned building, hiding from Kidou.

"Revenge of course. And I need one of your managers. Your sweet, precious (Y/N)."

"Why do you need her? She shouldn't be anywhere in your evil plans."

"Oh? So she didn't tell you?" Kidou was confused. Tell him what? What were you hiding?

"Well, she won't be anywhere near you, she's safe with me."

"Or is she?" Kageyama asked Kidou, which made his eyes widen.

"What are you planning?" Kidou asked once again.

"Now, now Kidou, you know I never tell you my plan. You'll just have to find out." Kageyama laughed.

"Come out you coward!" Kidou shouted and went into the building, he was gone. Kidou tried to follow him, but he was already gone. Suddenly, a bunch of wood planks fell on him. You, Endou, and Sakuma watched in horror.

"Kidou!" You screamed and ran to him. Thankfully he was safe. You sighed in relief.

"That was close, Kidou," Endou said.

"Yeah, thankfully I didn't have to move, if I did I'd be crushed."

"You guys aren't hurt, are you?" Fideo asked as he ran to you five.

"No, we're fine, and Fideo," Kidou said. "I've changed my mind, I want to help you win against Mr. K." Endou looked happy, but you knew this would end badly. Fideo was happy and agreed. So now, Endou, Fudou, Sakuma, and Kidou were now on Fideo's team.

"I'll help out too." You said quietly. Fideo smiled.

"Wonderful!" He cheered.

You and the others had time to train and soon, you all stood, ready for Mr. K's team to show. When they did, it was in fact Kageyama Reiji, and next to him was a boy who looked like Kidou but different. Different colored goggles, he had a low ponytail, and his cape was different too. Your eyes widened, seeing him up close once again.

Then... the horrible memories began again...

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