[Chapter 45]

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The game was about to start. Kageyama's team had the ball to start the match. Already, you felt nervous and you weren't even playing. You looked over at Kageyama. The man you trusted just like Kidou did. You never wanted this to happen, and now, Kidou will find out about your past with Kageyama. Your stomach was in knots with anxiety and worry.

Once the whistle blew, Kageyama's team was a copy of Royal Academy. It stumped Kidou. Every move the team made was an exact replica of Royal academy's team, only they were more powerful. Even with Kidou commanding the pitch, it only made the team crumble. You can hear the injured players talk crap about Kidou and the other three. You felt bad.

Suddenly, Kidou just shut down. He lost himself in his thoughts. Kidou was trapped. Trapped in his mind because of Kageyama.

"Kidou!" Sakuma called out to him. "We can't win if you don't start snapping out of it!"

"A... Alright..." Kidou stuttered and went with the ball up the field. However, Kageyama was getting into his head, just like Kageyama did to you. Like he had an argument with Kidou in his head.

"Kidou!" You called out to him, but he didn't listen.

"Will you just forget the past already?!" Fudou shouted, snapping Kidou out of his thoughts. "We aren't your creations you hear me!" Fudou then took the ball from Kidou and he fell back.

"I knew it!" Sakuma shouted. "You are working with Kageyama and dragging (Y/N) into this!"

"You got it all wrong..." Fudou said, looking at Kageyama. "(Y/N) and I wanted to send him a message. We aren't going to submit it to him. We grew stronger without his power and especially (Y/N)."

"What are you talking about?" Kidou asked. "What do you mean you and (Y/N) grew stronger?" Fudou tsked and looked at you. You were looking down at your feet, sitting with the Italian team on the bench. Kidou was confused.

"Ask her, not me. She can explain everything to you..." Fudou said. "But for right now, we have to win. So Kidou, are you going back to Kageyama? Are you gonna be his dog?" Kidou got angry.

"I am nobody's dog!" Kidou took the ball from Fudou and moved up the field, everyone following his commands.

The whistle blew, indicating the first half was over. Everyone went to the bench.

"(Y/N)?" You looked up at Kidou, who was standing right in front of you. "What is Fudou talking about?" You didn't want to say anything to him, but he has the right to know now.

"I was also one of Kageyama's 'creations.'" You started. "It was back when I was living in Greece. I was 8 and it was summertime, he came to Greece and trained me. But it wasn't training, it was torture..." You could feel tears forming in your eyes as you thought of Kageyama and your old teammates.

"I was the ace of my team and the youngest one. I was supposed to be the strongest, in my teammates' eyes. I had the potential to be great. I had to score every point. I had to be flawless. They bullied me basically, which I told you about, Kidou. They degraded me every time I did something wrong and I felt I wasn't good enough. Every mistake I made only showed I wasn't worthy of being on a soccer team.

Then Kageyama came along and he told me he would make me into the ace my team expected me to be. He made me stronger, but not in the way that my team intended me to be. My team kicked me off and Kageyama said that I could get revenge, but I told him no, and then, my family moved."

Everyone was shocked to hear your backstory. Kidou now understood why acted the way you did every time you were on the field.

You were scared of failure. You were scared to make mistakes. Kageyama put an unhealthy mindset in your head. Not only that but the sudden angry outburst you would have was because of Kageyama.

"(Y/N)... I..." Kidou was about to hug you as he reached his hands out, but he decided against it. "I'm sorry..."

"So why were you always around Fudou?" Sakuma asked. "He hurt us, you know that right?"

"I know, but he felt sorry for hurting you guys." You argued. "He was blinded by Kageyama's power that he lost sight of everything. He wanted to not only make it up to you guys, but he also wanted to help me."

"And he told you this himself?"

"Yes! He did!" You shouted at Sakuma. "It was when I injured my leg during the Aliea Academy incident."


"I realized now that Kageyama has done nothing but harm to everyone he sets his eyes on." Fudou looked at you, apologetic. "I'm sorry for the pain I inflicted on you and the team. And I want to make it up to you and the rest of your team." He showed you that he was determined and you smiled.

"Well, I'm sure the team will forgive you in due time." You told him and He gave you a soft genuine smile.


(Flashback End)

"I get it so you and Fudou get along because of your understanding of each other's situations," Endou said and you nodded.

"I'm sorry I never told you Kidou. I never wanted to bring up anything about my past, or... him." Kidou shook his head.

(Y/N), don't worry about it, I completely understand." He reassured you. "Come on guys, we have a game to win." The team cheered and went back onto the field.

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