[Chapter 53]

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Kidou held your hand as you peacefully slept. He sighed and silently wished you would wake up. He hadn't slept or eaten at all. He was weak and did not train like he used to. You were asleep for almost four days.

Haruna knocked at the door and walked in, bringing in a tray of food. She looked down at you and remembered you screaming for help. She was so scared about what had happened to you and it made her scared too.

"Yuuto," Haruna said, making her presence known. "I have breakfast for you."

"I'm not hungry..." Kidou said and yawned.

"Brother I know you want (Y/N) to wake up, but you can't keep doing this to yourself. You haven't slept or eaten and the coach wants you back at training." Haruna explained to him. "She'll wake up soon, you just have to give her time." Kidou sighed as he began to think of it. Haruna was right. After taking a deep breath, Kidou stood up and took the tray.

"You're right Haruna," Kidou said. "I'll start taking better care of myself." Haruna smiled.

"Good, now let's go. You can eat then get some rest." Kidou nodded and left the room. Another hour passed since Kidou left, and you finally woke up. Your head was pounding in pain and you groaned. You stood up, kind of limp, but you still walked. You went to Kidou's room and he was there sleeping. You smiled and walked over to him. You quickly noticed the dark circles that carried under his eyes. There was an empty tray on his nightstand. You quickly put the dots together.

"He won't sleep or eat," You turned and saw Haruna. "He was so worried about you. We all were, of course, but he worried more." She then hugged you. You sighed.

"Poor Kidou..." You whispered. Haruna was happy you woke up and said she'd leave you alone with Kidou. You thanked her and moved in bed with Kidou, trying to not wake him, and slept beside him.

He woke up, ecstatic that you woke up and would not let go of the hug he had you in. He had kissed your forehead, cheeks, and neck, hugging you tight. You laughed at him for the amount of attention you were receiving. Coach Kudou then broke it up and asked Kidou to be at practice. Kidou agreed and went to practice. You followed and watched as he trained with his friends.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now