[Chapter 33]

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Inazuma Japan sat in front of the TV. The FFI commotion was selecting who would face off against who. Patiently, you all waited to hear who Inazuma Japan would face off against. The coach pulled a paper out of the bowl.

"Inazuma Japan, slot 2-A." The lady called out. The other team that was in that slot was The Australian team, Big Wave. The team was pumped up for the game, ready for the next day of training.

The next morning, before practice even began, the coach announced there would be no practice. This shocked the entire team.

"Coach, we only have two days to practice for this game!" Kidou said.

"Well as your coach, I call the shots, and you guys are not to leave the training center." Coach Kudou said and escorted everyone to their rooms.

Endou was bored and tried to escape, multiple times, Kidou was frustrated that he couldn't train, and you and the managers were confused too. You walked to Kidou's room to see how he was doing and to just talk with him. He was in his room alright, pissed.

"Hey!" You greeted him. "Is this a bad time?" You asked, not wanting him more upset. He seemed to calm down after seeing you.

"No, please come on in!" He let you in and made room on his bed for you. You walked in and sat next to him.

"Are you doing okay?" You asked. Kidou sighed.

"Not really. I don't understand what this coach is doing. He makes no sense and everyone is saying he's cursed." Kidou explained. You nodded, listening to him.

"I'm sure there is a reason why he's doing this." You said. "Maybe he wants you to figure it out yourself, be independent and not so dependent on him or Endou." Kidou nodded.


"Well, I'm gonna go and help the other managers. See you later!" You waved at him and walked out of his room. Kidou smiled and began to think of what the coach wanted from trapping him and the others inside.

. . .

It's been a day of the team being trapped and Endou was restless. All you heard from his room was, 'gotta practice, gotta practice' over and over again. You hung out with Kidou most of the time, but today you weren't hanging out with him. Instead, you were making lunch for the team.

"So (Y/N)," Haruna began, making you roll your eyes and prepare for her question. "You're not hanging out with your boyfriend today?" She asked giggling.

"He's not my boyfriend, when are you gonna let this go?"

"When you start dating him, that's when I'll stop." She said, crossing her arms. You laughed.

"Oh? Is Girly being chicken?" Fudou asked, making you and the managers look at him. You laughed.

"Oh shut up banana head!" Fudou rolled his eyes and grabbed a banana, eating it as he left the kitchen. You laughed and Aki and Haruna looked at you funny.

"You two are-"

"-friends?" Aki and Haruna asked, finishing each other's sentences. You nodded.

"Yeah! That's his nickname for me and I call him banana head because well, he likes bananas." You laughed. Aki and Haruna looked at each other then at you.

"But he insulted you..." Aki said.

"And not only that but the stuff he did in the past." Haruna continued.

"The past doesn't matter anymore, he's changed." You said rather rudely. The managers looked at you shocked. "Sorry, I'm just gonna go to my room and cool off..." You then left.

You knew things between the team and Fudou weren't too nice or friendly, to say the least, but you knew something would change and they would finally trust him again. You just knew it.

The match with Australia was finally here and so far, the team hadn't figured out why they weren't allowed to leave the room. You knew they would understand, but it was gonna be on the field...

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