[Chapter 28]

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After leaving Raimon, you went home, healing your injury. As your ankle healed, you kept it easy with your training. You texted everyone from Raimon, especially Kidou. Asking how training was, being introduced to new members of Aliea Academy, and new members of the team.

You were at the park dribbling your soccer ball against the path. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, indicating a notification. You looked at the text.


"Hey What's up? How's your ankle?"

You smiled and began to type.


"Better! Just walking in the park right now."


"Take it easy on your injury.

You don't want to make it worse."

You laughed. Kidou has been a great friend to you. He was caring, kind and someone you loved to listen to and talk to.



You placed your phone in your pocket and picked up your soccer ball. As you were about to continue walking, a familiar voice spoke up.

"So you did get injured?" Your eyes widened remembering his voice. You turned around and saw Fudou. Your eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"What the hell do you want? To use me in Kageyama's scheme? It isn't going to happen, you hear me banana head!" Fudou rolled his eyes.

"I'm not with Kaygeyama anymore. He ditched me." Fudou said. You were confused. What did Kageyama do? He would never do that to anyone. You walked away from him and Kidou did too. You would never expect Kageyama to do that.

"So why are you here?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Talk?" You questioned him. He nodded his head. "About what?"

"It's about Kageyama. You know him, right?" You weren't that surprised that he knew. You nodded your head. "Did you tell anyone in Raimon?" You shook your head.

"Why not? They are your friends, right?" Fudou said and walked closer to you.

"It's better if they didn't know..." You told. Fudou hummed.

"Why do you mention him suddenly?" You asked.

"Come on, let's walk and talk. I'll explain." You looked him in the eyes. He looked pretty serious about talking about Kageyama.

The conversation went well. You shared your history with him and he did the same. You learned a lot about Fudou. He was actually a great guy and you now consider him a friend.

"I'm glad you decided to let me talk to you. I thought you would be like that Kidou guy." You giggled.

"Well, you did work with Kageyama and hurt his friends." Fudou shrugged.

"I guess you're right," Fudou agreed. But then, a question came to mind.

"How did you know I knew Kageyama?" You asked him.

"He pointed you out to me when we had that match. You and Kidou were talking and he pointed to you saying, 'She is our greatest weapon. The greatest creation.' He then went on and on about how you were just a weakling that didn't want to grow stronger and get your revenge on some people." You were shocked. How could Kageyama say such things? How could he tell Fudou this?

"I don't think Kageyama is gone for good. He's lurking somewhere. I know it." Fudou said suddenly. You nodded your head.

"If he was in Greece and then back here -- twice -- then you're right. He's not done with us yet." Fudou turned to you and stuck his hand out.

"Will you help me if we find Kageyama again?" You took his hand and shook it.

"Of course." 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now