[Chapter 4]

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The match against Farm Jr High was about to start, but for some odd reason, the coach was waiting for a player. Kabeyama was in the bathroom, but that wasn't the player the coach was looking for.

"Come on Coach, we have to start the match!" Kazemaru shouted impatiently. The coach shook his head.

"Not yet, we're still waiting for someone."

"He keeps saying that! It's getting annoying." Someoka complains. Everyone was getting anxious and questioning the coach.

Who is this new player that they're all waiting for? You stood with Gouenji as he leaned against a pole. You saw a small smirk on his face.

"You know who it is, don't you Gouenji?" You whispered. He smirked more, unable to help it back anymore.

"Listen," The referee announced. "If you're not out on the field in 3 minutes, you forfeit the match." The team stood shocked, and the coach just let the time go!

"We can't wait for this player, coach! Let's just start the match!" Someoka shouted.

"Endou, talk to him!" Aki begged.

"Sorry Aki, but if the coach says we wait, we wait." This surprised you. Endou has so much trust in the coach's words that he's willing to risk the match for this new player?

"1 minute left." Everyone started to panic as the referee called down the time. Suddenly, you hear the coach say,

"Right on time..." Everyone looked confused until they heard gasping from the crowd. Looking over, they saw...

Kidou Yuuto.

"What?" "No way!" "Is that really Kidou Yuuto from Teikou Academy?" You could practically hear everything the audience said. Kidou walked up to the team, ready to play.

"Alright let's start the match." The coach smirked and the referee nodded, getting out besides the field. The coach pulled out two players from the original starting lineup to add Kidou (midfielder) and you (forward). You were nervous as you walked onto the field. You were so confident yesterday, so why are you so scared now? The thought of not being good enough came into your head. The faint voice of the person you didn't want to remember started repeating the same degrading words in your head from when you were younger.

You will never be strong enough... You're worthless...

Your breathing started picking up slowly. The whistle blew, snapping out of your thoughts. Gouenji kicked the ball to Someoka and the two ran up the field, along with you and the other midfielders.

"(Y/N)!" Someoka passed to you, but his pass was slow. You were running the same speed as Someone but slowed yourself to reach the ball. You ran with the ball, distracted by his words.

Run faster! You'll never get to the goal being that slow...

"Pass it here (Y/N)!" Gouenji yelled. You nodded and were about to pass when a defender did a sliding tackle and you fell to the ground. The ball went to the defender's teammate. The defender looked down on you and you saw it. The repeating image of him... the man that hurt you...

Pass after terrible pass, the team could barely score a single point! With the terrible passes, Farm Jr. scored. Your nervousness intensified. After the first score, Kidou began giving orders, which confused everyone. You, on the other hand, were overthinking.

You're not working hard enough! You must get stronger and crash anyone in your path...

"(Y/N)?" Kidou snapped you out of your thoughts. "Are you okay?" You nodded your head quickly.

"Yeah, don't worry about me!" Kidou raised a brow. He knew you were distracted but brushed it off, hoping the same thing didn't happen again.

"Okay, well, do you mind making a shot?" You were confused. You hesitantly nodded your head. He told you where to stand and you obeyed. You repeated the words that "encouraged" you, but the thoughts of your old teammates just got to you.

The whistle blew. Everyone started passing and it was actually working. Someoka had the ball and passed it up to you, which actually connected. You ran up to the goal.

"Do it (Y/N), shoot now!" Kidou shouted to you. Anxious, you kicked the ball. Your kick was strong, but not strong enough to get past Farm Jr.'s "Infinite Wall."

See! She can't even make a goal...

How are we supposed to call her our Ace Striker, if she's too scared to kick the damn ball?

"(Y/N)!" You turned as Kidou who again caught you being distracted again. "Are you sure you're okay?"

You didn't say anything. The whistle blew twice, ending the first half. Everyone went to the bench. As Kidou talked about strategies, you thought. The same words from both your old teammates and him came back to you.

"(Y/N)?" This time a female voice called out to you. It was Haruna.

"Are you okay? You're very distracted."

"I'm fine! I just..." You tried to think of an excuse, but nothing came to mind. "I just..." Again, no excuse. Haruna waited for an answer, but the coach stepped in.

"Sorry (Y/N), I don't think you're ready to be on the field yet." You hung your head low.

"As well as you are on the field, you're getting distracted. I don't know what's going through your head, but you're just not ready to be on the field yet."

You need more training weakling...

"I need more training...." You thought. "I'm still too weak..."

You're dragging us down (Y/N). Just stay off the field and be a cheerleader or something...

You're not good enough to be here...

"I disagree!" You were shocked. You saw Kidou standing next to you. "It's her position on the field. I don't think she's ready to be a forward yet." Kidou explained. "You did say that her skills were rusty. I think putting her as a defender will help her build confidence and help us win."

You were so shocked. He still wanted you on the field? Even when you were as distracted as you were? The coach thought for a bit.

"Alright, we'll have (Y/N) be a defender for this match." Coach then looked at you. "Is that okay with you?" You nodded your head.

"Yes sir..."

"Alright, let's get back on the field!" Everyone ran into the field, you moved to your new position on the field.

The second half was focused on offense, which you didn't really mind. It gave you time to calm down from the first half. With Kidou's help, Farm Jr.'s wall broke and Raimon won the match. You were happy. You still had a long way to go before you found your confidence again, but you will still help your team. 

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