[Chapter 43]

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Kidou, Sakuma, and Fudou were acting weird. Today at practice, they were distracted. Mostly Kidou. You didn't know what was going on in their heads but it wasn't good if they were this distracted.

"Kidou, Fudou, Sakuma, come here!" Coach demanded. You listened as you pretended to sort water bottles and fold towels.

"I'm pulling you guys out of practice. You're too distracted and I can't have that." Coach said. They all listened and sat out, watching everyone. Fudou walked over to you and grabbed a water bottle.

"What's up with you three?" You asked Fudou.

"I saw Kageyama here," Fudou whispered to you. Your eyes widened at his words.

"What? No way..."

"He is. I saw him and Kidou and Sakuma saw him too. They think I'm gonna work with him."

"That's not good..." You said.

"We have to find him and stop him. Because if he's here, who knows what he'll do." You agreed with Fudou and snuck away.

Kidou and Sakuma stood off to the side. Kidou was thinking more about Kageyama, paranoid about what he might do.

"Hey where did (Y/N) and Fudou go?" Kidou's eyes grew wide. You were with Fudou? "I thought I saw them standing together, it seemed like they were talking about something- Hey Yuuto! Where are you going?" Haruna yelled for her brother. Kidou ran away, going to look for you.

"Kidou!" Sakuma shouted and followed him.

. . .

"If Kageyama is anywhere, he's most likely on the Italian side of the island." You nodded.


"Fudou! (Y/N)!" You and Fudou looked over at the voice that called for you. It was Kidou and beside him was Sakuma. They had followed you two, suspecting you but mostly Fudou.

"Why are you with him (Y/N)?" Kidou asked, glaring at Fudou.

"He asked for my help..." You answered, calmly and kind of confused.

"Well, you shouldn't be with him. He's working with Kageyama!" Sakuma argued. You shook your head, still calm.

"No, he isn't."

"Yes he is, we saw him with Kageyama," Sakuma said, making Fudou roll his eyes.

"Wait, Kageyama's back?" Endou said, confused as he had just now entered the conversation. The bus started to move by now, driving the five of you to the Italian side of the island.

"Unfortunately so Endou..." Kidou said quietly. "And he's for sure got something set up for the tournament. That's why we need to stop him!"

"Unfortunately, only two of us want to stop him and Fudou is dragging (Y/N) into this," Sakuma said.

"Why are you so concerned about me, guys? I can take care of myself." You asked them. "Especially you Kidou. You're always so concerned about me, why is that?"

"I have my reasons (Y/N)." You looked at him angrily.

"I'm gonna ask you again Kidou, why do you need to know everything I do?" You asked.

"I just want to keep you safe-!"

"And why do you need to know every single detail about me?"

"I just need to know."

"That's not a good excuse. You barely tell me anything about you and why?"

"Because it's none of your concern."

"And you knowing every little detail about me is? You're not very good at making excuses." This arguing was angering you. He wasn't being reasonable, he was making excuses, and it didn't help that Sakuma, Endou, and Fudou were listening.

"Why are you so concerned about what I do? It's like you need to be by my side all the time-!"

"Because I'm in love with you, okay?!"


Just pure silence. No one said anything. Everyone's eyes were wide from the way Kidou confessed. You didn't know what to say. Kidou had realized what he said. He was so caught up in the questions you were asking, that he just blurted it out without thinking.

"Um... I...I didn't...." He stuttered. You were unsure of what to say as you stared at him wide-eyed.

"Wow," Fudou said. "Looks like I didn't need to tell her for you." Kidou looked at him angrily.

"(Y/N)-" You turned around and blushed. He just said that he loved you...

When you turned away from him, it gave him the wrong signs. Did you not like him back?

The bus stopped, which meant you were now on the Italian side of the Island. All that was left now was to search for Fideo. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now