[Chapter 24]

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You and the team stood in front of an okonomiyaki restaurant. The two girls Fubuki was hanging out with said Ichinose was here. Endou opened the door and saw Ichinose with a girl with blue hair.

"Ichinose, what are you doing here?" Endou asked.

"It's a long story." Ichinose stood up. "Well, thank you for the food, but I have to leave now-"

"I don't think so. You ate my food so now we have to be married."

"MARRIED!?" Everyone shouted.

"I knew something was gonna happen." You said to yourself.

"Anyway thanks for stopping back, have fun dealing with Aliea Academy!" The girl said and slammed the door on you guys. Then a whole soccer team shows up to see the girl.

"Great, now we gotta get Ichinose back," Endou said.

"But how?" Kazemaru asked.

"Simple!" Willy said. "We play a match with the girl and her soccer team, if we win we get Ichinose back and if we lose, they get to keep him."

"Oh?" The girl poked her head out from the crowd of girls. "I like that, okay let's do it!"

And so the match began. You stood on the field next to Fubuki.

"Why are we doing this?" You asked yourself. The whistle blew and the girls began to attack. Willy was talking tough and the girls were making everyone flustered. But most of all, no one was fighting back. Their skills were actually incredible.

The first half was almost over, and you figured out how to get the ball back from the girls. They had already scored, but you knew you could get a goal in. You ran up to the girls and did exactly what they did. Gymnastics. You did some gymnastics as a kid for fun and still remember some of the stuff you learned. You grabbed the ball between your feet and Did a front handspring to avoid her.

"That's it (Y/N), show them who's boss!" Haruna yelled.

"Yes! We can win this!" Willy announced. You ran up the field with the ball, able to avoid the girls, seeing exactly through their skills and tactics. But then you tried to take a shot at the goalkeeper, but she caught the ball.

"Damn it!" You yelled and then the whistle blew, ending the first half.

"You know you're pretty good." You turned around and looked at the blue-haired girl. "You're also super cool and you're now officially my BFF! I'm Rika!" You smiled awkwardly.

"Um. Nice to... meet you?" You said.

"Hey! Get your head in the game girl!"

"Back off witch I'm talking to my BFF!" She yelled at the woman you assumed was her mother.

"So what's your name?" She asked you.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Aw, your name is so pretty!"

"Rika, come on, it's time for a break!"

"Oh yeah, we'll talk more later bestie!" She said and ran off, you walked back to the team.

"I don't know what happened..." You said to them, very confused. "But listen, you guys are afraid of these girls."


"How are we afraid of them?"

"Yeah! Explain."

"They're girls, and you don't want to hurt them and they do something to make you flustered, which causes you to hesitate." You told them sternly.

"(Y/N)'s right!" Endou said. "We just need to play the game like we normally would."

"We can beat them guys, just play like any other game. They're our opponents. It would be disappointing if we let them win." You said. Everyone cheered and went to the field.

"Great speech." Kidou complimented you. You smiled and blushed.


Finally, everyone was back to normal, the game ended and Raimon won. Rika was still all over Ichinose, but she showed you and the team an underground base with training machines as you all walked around.

"This must be Aliea Academy's base." You said and looked at Kidou.

"It may be, it looks so advanced." He added and you agreed.

"You two think alike. Not only that, but I always see you two together. Are you two dating?" Rika asked.

"No! We're just friends!" You answered.

"Not another one..." Kidou mumbled under his breath.

"Nonsense! I can see it! The closeness between you two, the way you talk to each other, the look in both your eyes, the blush on both your cheeks! You're in love!"

"We're blushing because we're embarrassed..." You said.

"That's what I've been trying to tell them!" Haruna joins in, agreeing with Rika.

As the tour of the training center went on, Endou decided this was where the team was gonna train. 

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