[Chapter 31]

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Three months later and everything was back to normal now. No more aliens, no more crazy events like that ever again. You and the girls were watching the team practice by simply playing a mini-match. Haruna and Willy recorded everything that was happening while you, Aki, and Natsumi watched. You became a manager instead of playing. Ever since the incident with Fubuki, your ankle didn't heal properly so you couldn't play anymore. But it was better for you, in your own mind, since you didn't have to worry about Kageyama anymore.

Endou shouted the call off for a break as you and the girls started passing out water and towels. You smiled as you handed water and a towel to Kabeyama.

"Hey (Y/N)," Kidou greeted you.

"Hey!" You greeted him. You handed him water and a towel. He thanked you and started a conversation.

"Hey, after practice, do you want to hang out?" Kidou asked you. You smiled.

"I'd love to!" You answered. "What do you want to do?" Kidou began to think.

"How about a movie? I heard a lot of great movies are out now." He suggested.

"Okay!" You agreed.

. . .

You were getting ready for Kidou to come pick you up. Your mother was helping you pick an outfit as she was fangirling.

"Aw, my little girl is going on her first date!" She cried out.

"It's not a date mom! We're just gonna see a movie together." You explained to her. You blushed at the thought of it being a date. You had started to develop feelings for Kidou, romantic feelings. You didn't know how you would tell him, but you knew it wasn't going to be today.

"(Y/N)! Kidou's here!" Your father shouted from downstairs. You took one final look at your outfit and smiled. You walked downstairs and saw Kidou waiting by the door with your father.

"I want her back home at a decent time, don't keep her out too late, and don't try anything!"

"Dad!" You pulled him away from Kidou.

"What?" He questioned you. You walked to Kidou.

"You ready?" You asked. He nodded, looking kind of scared. You walked him out of the house and said bye to your parents. You then closed the door.

"I'm sorry about my dad, he's overprotective as hell." You apologized to him. He just laughed.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. But let's get going." He said and you agreed.

Once you both made it to the theater, you both got tickets and popcorn and walked into the theater. You picked the seats and you both sat down and talked. The movie had a bit of time before it actually started.

"What do you like about Japan so far?" Kidou asked.

"There's a lot I like! The markets, the food, and the friends I've made!" You answered.

"Is it very different from Greece?"

"Well, yeah! It's a completely different place. But it's different because of the people. Everyone here is so nice and Greece is... well, there are some nice people." You answered, your voice lowering to a whisper. Kidou felt bad for you. Since you told him about the bullying, he's really tried to make sure you never thought about it, but it brings him to the question.

"How did the bullying start?" He asked you. You looked down at your lap.

"It was just them picking on me because I was so young, but it got worse after that, especially when-" You stopped yourself. He can't know yet. Not yet.

"When what happened?" He asked. You sat there in silence.

"O-Oh! The movie is starting." You said and sat back and looked at the screen. Kidou was curious, but let it go, figuring you didn't want to talk about it.

After the movie ended, Kidou walked you home. You were thanking him for the movie night and said you'd see him the next day. He waved you goodbye and watched you walk inside. Then he walked home.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now