[Chapter 6]

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The match with Kidokawa was yesterday and it seemed like you were doing better. Maybe it was the triplets that just pissed you off and you wanted to prove something to them and make up for "cowering away" from them like you told Kidou. But still, Kidou began to worry for you. You were completely zoned out during both matches and practices; and although you were strong and incredibly skilled, you weren't showing it. Now that the game against Zeus was coming up, it made everyone nervous. You were the most nervous.

It was Saturday and the team would do a small practice session and then go home. So, thankfully, with the coach's permission, he pulled you aside for a day together. He wanted to know what happened on the field against Farm Jr. High and the mini-match with the triplets.

"Go eat?" You questioned him. He nodded his head.

"Well, everyone knows you very well, I thought it would be good for us to get to know each other more." You tilted your head at him. All he did was smile at you. You sighed and agreed.


. . .

Once you both made it to the small local cafe, he initiated the conversation.

"So where are you from?" Might as well start with something simple without making evident his plan.

"Greece." Kidou was surprised. He was expecting something else.

"Really? That's kind of unexpected!" You laughed.

"Yeah, Endou said the same."

"Oh? So he asked you the same question?" Kidou questioned you. You nodded and began to explain.

"It was lunch when he asked me. We were just casually eating and he asked randomly where I was from. When I told him, he was so fascinated. It was kind of funny."

"So why here? Why did you move here?"

"My dad was constantly working and we were moving a lot. He decided to move his business here since moving around would be less of a hassle. Plus, this place is actually his hometown, where he grew up, I should say..." You talked more about how you ended up here, leaving out the bad parts of living in Greece.

A few more random questions were asked:

What's your favorite food, drink? 'Would you rather questions. You eventually asked him questions too, learning some of his interests.

You both laughed and learned interesting things about each other. Kidou's plan was quickly forgotten as he was more and more involved with you and just you. Nothing of that topic came to his mind. All he wanted to do was hear more about you.

Eventually, your time at the cafe ended and you both walked to your house.

"Today was amazing, Kidou. Thank you." He smiled.

"Yeah, of course. Thank you for letting me take you."

"I'll see you on Monday then, bye!" You waved to him and ran inside. He waved back and walked home. That was until he realized he didn't go along with his plan. Oh well, at least he knows more about you and can officially call each other friends.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now