[Chapter 41]

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The match with the Knights of Queen was finally here. Everyone was up and training and warming up. No one slept from their excitement for this game. The team began to get ready, dressing in their uniforms. Getting on the boat to go to the England side, everyone mentally prepared themselves with self-encouragement.

Kidou and Gouenji stood side by side. While Gouenji was thinking about the upcoming match, Kidou was thinking about his jealousy of Edgar. He didn't like how he flirted with you. Gouenji took notice of Kidou's state as his face showed his anger.

"What's on your mind Kidou?" Gouenji asked.

"Nothing..." Kidou said, trying to avoid the conversation. Gouenji laughed.

"Come on. It's okay, you can tell me. I know it has something to do with (Y/N)." Kidou blushed as Gouenji figured it out.

"...It is about her..." Kidou confessed. "I'm just jealous. Whenever Edgar flirts with her, it makes me angry." Gouenji hummed. "I think maybe (Y/N) likes Edgar."

"I have a feeling she doesn't like him. (Y/N) knows what she likes and she'll make that clear." Gouenji said, reassuring him.

"You really think so? Do you really think she'll reject him?" Kidou asked and Gouenji nodded. Kidou looked at the water below them and smiled.

. . .

Both teams were warming up, anxious for the match. Everyone wants to win, but only one will win and you knew it would be Inazuma Japan.

"(Y/N)," You looked over and saw Edgar. You really didn't understand why he was so obsessed with you. "I wish Inazuma Japan good luck, and maybe you and I could go and eat lunch. Like a date." You smiled awkwardly.

"That's.... nice but I like someone else." You told him. He raised a brow.



"(Y/N)! Let's huddle up!" Endou called for you, Kidou next to him. You waved to Edgar, mouthing sorry. You went back to the team. Kidou looked over angry.

"Jealous?" Haruna asked.

"Obviously..." Kidou muttered under his breath. Haruna laughed.

"You might as well ask her out right now."

"No..." He then walked away from the group. Haruna pouted and walked over to the group too.

"Let's win this game and show those guys our soccer!" Endou cheered.


. . .

The game was over. Inazuma Japan won! It was a challenge, but Endou's new move put the team in a good spot for success onwards for every match. You and the team walked back to the boat, feeling victorious.

"Good job everyone!" Coach Kudou congratulated me. "But don't forget, the competition is gonna get harder from here, so let's not slack off, and let's continue winning!"

"Yeah!" The team cheered. You smiled as you looked out the window. Coach was right, the real challenge begins now.

Once back at the training center, You sat in your bed, listening to music. Then a knock came on your door.

"Come in!" You yelled. Kidou opened the door and smiled.

"Hey!" Kidou said. You smiled.

"Hey Kidou what's up?" You asked him.

"Just... just wondering if I could hang out here with you." He said quietly. You giggled and moved over.

"You wanna listen to my music?" You asked him. He nodded and sat next to you. You gave him an earbud and played your music. You both sat in silence together as you both relaxed to your music – with you occasionally having a dance party and Kidou laughing at you.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now