[Chapter 5] Pt. 2

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Endou stood in the goal, gloves on and ready. The triplets stood on the field waiting for him.

"You don't have to do this Endou..." Gouenji said.

"If they want to talk crap about my friends, they're going to get the mean side of me," Endou said. Gouenji nodded and walked over to you and Kidou.

You watched Endou prepare himself for Tomo's shot. He kicked the ball up, spinning as if he was going to Fire Tornado.

"Wait, that's a Fire Tornado!" Kidou shouted.

"No! The direction of the spin is different!" Gouenji shouted. That's when Tomo shouted the name of the move.

"Back Tornado!" He kicked the ball straight at Endou, who easily caught it. But almost immediately, two other balls flew into the goal. Oh, were you mad!

"Looks like we won."

"Cheaters!" You shouted. The three brothers looked at you.

"We didn't cheat!"

"The ball went into the goal."


"You mean 'balls', or do you not know how to count?" You argued. Gouenji was, by this point, holding you back.

"If you want to fight us too, you could've just said so!" You smirked at Masaru. You tried to walk into the field.

"(Y/N) wait!" Gouenji shouted. "Endou's done enough! I don't need you and him getting into more trouble."

"Too late! I'm pissed." You got out of Gouenji's grip and walked away onto the field.

"Since you think you're better, try and take the ball from us!" You ran up to him, unexpectedly as he and his brothers laughed. You successfully took the ball and they began to run at you. Gouenji, Kidou, and Endou watched as you kept the ball away from them with ease.

"It's like they flipped a switch in her," Gouenji whispered to Kidou. Kidou began to question you. You were never this motivated and active in matches. In soccer practice, you were a little motivated and tried your hardest. But this side of you was completely different.

You ran right and then left quickly, dodging Tomo and even Tsutomu. However, Masaru snatched the ball from you, knocking on your feet.

"Heh! Just as worthless as I thought.."

"Just another pretty face..."

Your eyes grew wide. The bullying was coming back to you again as it did during the Farm Jr. match. You were doing so well, so why are you on the ground, looking down at the ground in shame?

"Stand up (Y/N)!" You thought, but your body didn't react.

"(Y/N)!" Kidou shouted for you. He ran to your side, his hand on your back. "Are you okay?"

"What is wrong with you?" Gouenji asked.

"What? She lost?" Tomo answered.

"She did way better than you! You're just too entitled to admit it!" Gouenji shouted.

"Mukata!" A loud male voice shouted to the brothers. "What are you boys doing here? Get back here!"

"Yes, coach!" The three ran to their coach and Kidou helped you up.

"Are you okay? You're not injured are you?"

"No... I'm fine." You told him, quietly. "I-I think I'm just going to go home..." You then began to walk away.

"I feel so embarrassed..." You thought to yourself.

"Let me walk you home!" Kidou offered.

"I guess..." You continued walking.

"Bye (Y/N) and Kidou! See you guys tomorrow!" Endou shouted. Kidou waved back with a smile and then immediately paid attention to you.

Everything was weird. First, you were mad, kicking the brothers' asses, then a second later, it was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay? You kind of–"

"Coward away? I'd rather not talk about it right now..." You interrupted him and stayed silent for the rest of the walk.

Once you both made it to your house, you thanked Kidou and walked inside, not waiting for him to reply.

"See you tomorrow..." He whispered to himself and walked to his house.

"I have to be stronger. I can't appear weak anymore..." You thought and ate with your family.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now