[Chapter 3]

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The team took you to the lighting train center, as a way to sharpen your skills. After the game with Sengoku, everyone was excited since they thought they would get a chance to fight Teikou again. And with you on the team, the team was getting stronger and stronger.

The next match was against Farm Jr. High, and this time you will be able to play. You were practicing every chance you could; at home and school.

You had finished with one of the training machines and walked over to Endou and Gouenji. "This... training... is really... intense..." You said between breaths.

"It'll get easier, don't worry," Gouenji reassured you. Endou handed you a water bottle and you took it, chugging the water.

"Guys!" You all looked and saw Haruna running towards you. She placed her hands on her knees once she finally approached you guys.

"Teikou's game is over..." She heaved.

"How many points did they win by?" Endou asked.

"10 - 0," Haruna said. Endou was happy to hear that until Haruna added, "Teikou lost... Zeus beat them..." The room became tense.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"How could they have lost?" Endou asked angrily. "We almost died playing them, how is that even possible?" You looked at Haruna as her head hung low. She was upset about this news, and so was Endou.

"Zeus didn't even give Teikou the chance to score. They were just too strong..."

"A team stronger than Teikou?" Gouenji whispered.

"There's no way, Where was Kidou?" Endou asked.

"My brother, he didn't play..." Haruna told him sadly. "He was still injured when we played them. He was saving himself for later, but Zeus," She paused, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Zeus kept raking up goal after goal."

"I can't believe this!" Endou ran out of the room, looking for Kidou. You walked up to Haruna and stood beside her.

"Someoka told me a little bit about Teikou and about that Kidou guy." You said. "He must be someone important to you guys." Gouenji nodded his head.

"He's our friend and our rival. It is sad to hear that we wouldn't be playing against them." Gouenji said. You then looked at Haruna.

"Kidou is your brother, right Haruna?" She nodded her head.

"We lived in an orphanage. He was adopted by the Kidou household. I was adopted into a different family..." You stared at Haruna sadly.

"Let's leave," Gouenji suggested. "It's getting late." Everyone agreed and left.

. . .

The next day was a regular practice. However, something was happening with the team. You noticed everyone was off in timing and their passes weren't connecting. Aki, Endou, Gouenji, and Bobby were talking, everyone was kicking the ball around, and you stood next to Haruna, watching the team.

"There's something wrong." You said. Haruna agreed.

"Everyone's passes are either too fast or not far enough."

"Everyone's timings are off then." You concluded. Haruna agreed once again, writing in her notebook. She suddenly gasped and ran.

"Hey wait, Haruna!" You shouted, but she still ran. You sighed.

"Where is Haruna going?" You looked over to the voice and saw it was Gouenji. You shrugged.

"Come on." He told you and you followed.

Haruna approached her brother, who was hiding behind a light pole.

"Yuuto! There's no need for you to sneak around!" She explained.

"I'm ashamed..." He said quietly. He walked towards his sister, leaning against the pole. "I don't deserve to be in their presence."

"Yuuto, it wasn't your fault for what happened." Kidou didn't say anything, still upset at himself. Haruna sighed.

The two siblings ended up at the river bank, talking about the situation. Kidou stood angry. If only he could've helped his team. If only he could've been a better captain. If only-

Kidou heard something coming, fast. He looked over.

A soccer ball. He kicked the ball back.

"Who the hell can kick a soccer ball like that?" He asked out loud. The ball was kicked by Gouenji as he held the ball, looking directly at Kidou. You stood next to the blond boy. Haruna ran to Gouenji, thinking he was going to do something bad.

"He's not here to spy on us! I promise!" Haruna shouted. Gouenji didn't say anything. You walked up to Haruna. "(Y/N) tell him please!" She begged you, holding your arms.

"He knows Haruna." You told her. Gouenji – during the little time you knew him – had told you about his little sister. Gouenji wasn't going to hurt Kidou or anything like that. He wanted to help Kidou.

"Come with me..." Gouenji demanded of Kidou. Kidou followed him, as he walked, he looked at you. You have a sad, concerned look on your face. You felt sorry for Kidou, he's been through the worst, and half of it you didn't know about. Haruna hugged you tightly and you hugged her back.

You watch from afar, looking at Kidou as he kicks the ball back to Gouenji. He was so angry with himself. That he couldn't help his team in winning against Zeus. You understood that feeling though.

"Yuuto is an amazing soccer player," Haruna said out of the blue. You turned to her as she held your hand for comfort. "Not only that, but Yuuto is an amazing person too. Very kind and always protecting people from any harm. After he was adopted, I thought he forgot about me, but I should've known he would never forget me." You smiled hearing Haruna's words. She really cared about her brother.

You never experienced that sibling relationship since you're an only child; but hearing from other people, Gouenji and Haruna, it is a love-hate relationship.

"But Yuuto is hard on forgiving people." She said once again. Then you began to think.

"He most likely wants revenge on Zeus then." You thought.

Some time passed and Gouenji and Kidou walked back up to you and Haruna. Haruna ran up to her brother and hugged him. You smiled at them but quickly looked away when Kidou looked at you. The four of you separated and went home.

"Tomorrow," You thought as you walked. "I will be playing in the match. I have to help my team as much as I can."

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