[Chapter 50]

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The match began and everyone was doing remarkably well, both teams in fact. You looked over at Kageyama. He just sat on the bench, watching Orpheus. You fidgeted with your shirt as you felt anxious being on the same pitch as him. If only you could say something to him, as your mentor and as your grandfather, you wanted to show him your new skills and your improved state, but you were scared.

As you watched the game, you noticed Kidou and Fideo clashing with each other. Kidou was shocked by Fideo's movements. You notice how similar their movements were. You and Coach Kudou discussed the issues on the field, Coach Kudou told you to let them figure it out themselves. You agreed and looked over at Kageyama. He was staring at you. Since you didn't get to see his eyes you couldn't read his face. You looked forward again and watched the team.

Kidou looked over at you occasionally and noticed you looking at Kageyama. He wanted to show Kageyama how he will be forever and Kidou knew you wanted to prove yourself to him. The first half ended and Kidou approached you.

"Are you doing okay?" Kidou asked you. You nodded.

"Yeah, I just... feel anxious." You stated. Kidoi hugged you to comfort you. You hugged him back and smiled. "Thank you, Kidou." You thanked him. He hummed and kissed your cheek.

"I think I know how I can show him my improvement." You said. "However, I need your help."

"Of course, what can I help with?" He asked. You told him your plan, basically telling him how to maneuver on the field to avoid the hissatsu techniques and their incredible skills. He agreed to help and thanked you for your help. He kissed your cheek once more and you both went back to the group.

. . .

(Kageyama's POV)

My granddaughter and my greatest creation. Together as one in love. (Y/N) looked happy and so did Kidou. To say the least I was happy for them both. I would've never guessed they would find each other, with the same experiences, and become their own persons.

I watched them talk, it seemed like they were talking about strategies. (Y/N) was always a bright girl. She was able to read movements and predict a person's next move. Though, she never put her ability of hers into motion.

I wished I could smile at her, to show her my joy, however, I have a game to win. Even if she is my family, Inazuma Japan will fall.

. . .

(2nd POV)

The game ended and Orpheus lost. And Kageyama knew Japan would win. You and the managers cheered and so did the team. You hugged Kidou as you celebrated.

Then, the police showed up. You looked over to where they walked. Kageyama was getting arrested. The police escorted him away, but you ran after him.

"Reiji!" You shouted.

"Miss, please step away-"

"Leave her, please," Kageyama said. The police let it happen. You looked at him, staring at him through his glasses.

Kageyama smiled and you gasped.

"I'm so proud of you, my granddaughter..." He said quietly. Tears filled your eyes.

"Grandpa...." You whispered, your voice breaking. "Thank you." You couldn't help yourself and you hugged him. He hugged you back. Kidou and Fideo approached you. They both seemed shocked at the exchange of affection. Kageyama looked at the two.

"Fideo, thank you for helping me see the light once again." Kageyama thanked him and Fideo nodded. "Kidou, please take care of my granddaughter." Kidou nodded.

"I will, Kageyama." Then he took his goggles off. You gasped as you saw his eyes. Beautiful and hypnotizing.

"You've helped me into the person I am, because of these and because of you, you've made me stronger," Kidou said and put his goggles back on. Kageyama smirked and nodded.

"Let's go, Kageyama Reiji." The police interrupted the moment. You hugged him one last time and let go. Kageyama and the police left as you cried, wiping your tears. Kidou held you closer and you hugged him, the release of emotions felt good to finally let go of.

. . .

You stood on the beach, a box in your hands, given to you by your grandpa. After telling the team of your relationship with Kageyama, the news podcasted that Kageyama was pronounced dead, after being hit by a truck. It broke you indeed and you called your parents about the news and what he told you.

You held the box to your chest and you took a deep breath, inhaling the salty air.

"How are you feeling?" Kidou asked as he approached you. You nodded.

"It's gonna be hard to get over his death. I may have made him my enemy and my greatest fear, but he is still family."

"I know, but I'm here for you no matter what," Kidou said as he hugged you. You hugged him back. "So what's in the box?" Kidou asked. You shrugged.

"I don't know, Kageyama gave it to me." You looked at the box and opened it.

It was a picture you drew when you were younger. You gave it to Kageyama as a present.


"Kageyama! Look what I drew for you!" You shouted happily. Kageyama looked down at you and bent down to your level. You giggled and handed him the picture. He smiled at the picture.

It was you, kicking a soccer ball with Kageyama on the side. The drawing was in the form of stick figures and was beautifully colored.

"Very sweet of you, thank you (Y/N)." He patted your head. You smiled and ran to go kick the ball again.

"She showed me and Roselle." Your father came out and stood next to Kageyama. "She did such a wonderful job, right dad?" Kageyama smiled and nodded.

"She did."

(Flashback End)

(A/N:) When I tell you I actually almost cried writing this. I almost cried writing this chapter!

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