[Chapter 17]

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You were eating lunch at the table, watching TV. Your mom was in the kitchen cleaning, watching you and the scars and bruises on your back and arms for the times you've fallen or hurt yourself with the ball on accident. Ever since Kageyama started coming over to the house to train you, he's been rather aggressive toward you. You were just a kid!

There was a knock at the door, which your mother answered and it was Kageyama. He let himself in.

"It's time to train (Y/N)." He said as he carried some cones and a few other things. You looked over at him and sighed sadly.

"Okay..." You finished your food and walked with the man to the backyard. Your mother watched you. This behavior wasn't normal for you, being sad and lifeless.

During training, your attitude changed too. You endured his awful training and took his words to heart, accepting your failure. You were more focused on training and being perfect, but that took your happiness away. You loved playing soccer, but Kageyama took that love away. Your mother mourned for you.

"You're getting better, but still not good enough!" Kageyama said loudly. Your heart fluttered, hearing some compliment in his insult. You continued to dribble the ball and kicked in as hard as you can into the goal. The ball was fast and bounced back in the net, rolling back to you.

"Wonderful! You're almost ready. Now, it's time to learn a hissatsu shot."

"Hissatsu shot?" You questioned.

"That's right! The dribbling and shooting were only a warm-up. Learning this hissatsu shot will make you stronger and then you can prove your worth to your team!" Kageyama seemed a bit happier about this. You smiled slightly.

"Then they'll respect me for being their ace striker?" You asked him and he patted your head.

"Of course, they will. But you must not lose sight of your actual goal." You tilted your head.

To be the best in the world...

My greatest masterpiece...

From then on, your training got more intense and your spirit and love for soccer died. Every day was just practice, practice, practice. You fell but rose with more empathy for your body. You were dead on the inside...

(FlashBack End)

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now