[Chapter 49]

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The next morning came, the day of the match with Orpheus. You and the managers were preparing breakfast and some small talk began.

"So (Y/N)," Haruna started and you huffed. Was she gonna tease you? "What happened last night with you and Kidou?" She asked and batted her lashes at you. You blushed red and so did Aki. Only she wasn't blushing in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I told Haruna what happened!" Aki apologized, only making Haruna smirk more. You told her that it was okay and began to tell Haruna.

"We almost kissed last night until Aki interrupted us." You explained. You two were already dating and the team knew it, it's not like you had to keep this secret, but then again, you both are new to dating. Haruna squealed.

"Omg! That would've been so cute! Why did you ruin it, Aki?" Haruna asked, pouting.

"I didn't mean to!" Aki shouted and looked down in shame.

"Aki, it's okay." You reassured her and patted her head. You then heard the team laugh at Aki's paranoid state. They all began to sit, ready for breakfast to be served. Once breakfast was served, it was just in time to head to the match. You sat next to Kidou, as always, talking to him and wishing him luck. Though Kidou wasn't really worried too much about the match itself. He was worried about Kageyama. Maybe he had something planned, maybe he was planning to hurt you or take you from him. There was still his plan for you to be a part of that awful program. Kidou wouldn't let that happen to you.

When you all arrived at the stadium, you grew anxious and scared. You sat on the bench with the girls and occasionally looked at Kageyama. All your memories with him came back. However, one memory came back that you never thought about.


"Kageyama?" You called his name in a tiny voice as you were taking a break from practice, away from your teammates, who were all injured from your rough plays.

"Yes?" Kageyama replied.

"Am I weak now?" You asked him, hopeful of his answer. Kageyama looked down at you. You didn't know what was going on in his head, but he got down to your level to talk to you.

"You are. I know training was tough, but you are indeed powerful. Maybe even more powerful than the kid I am training back in Japan. Your intelligence and skills are naturally powerful, that makes you beyond amazing." He said and patted your head. You smiled at his kind words. His compliment makes you more confident.

'Don't ever doubt yourself anymore, okay (Y/N)?" He asked and you nodded. "Now go back out there and show the world how powerful you are!" He encouraged you.

"Right!" You cheered and went back onto the field.

(FlashBack End)

You inhaled and exhaled deeply as you composed yourself. Even now, his kind words got to you. However, you only wished he wasn't evil.

After all, he was family... He was your grandfather...

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now