[Chapter 29]

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You were at home talking to Fudou on video chat. You two had grown very close friendship-wise. It was nice to know that you guys were now friends and not enemies, but you were just scared of how the team would react to your friendship.

"Hey girly! Stop daydreaming!" Fudou shouted to you. You rolled your eyes.

"Okay, banana head!"

"Stop calling me that!" He shouted and you laughed. Your phone buzzed as you got a text. You saw the contact name.


You smiled.

"What are you smiling at? Your boyfriend texted you?" He said and you blushed.

"He's not my boyfriend..."

"But you like him, don't you?" Fudou asked as you blushed redder than before. "Heh! I'm right."

"You can't say anything about this." You said.

"I won't don't worry."

"Good because we wouldn't want your banana stash to disappear." Fudou's eyes widened which made you laugh.

"Hahaha!! You should see your face!" Fudou's face was red in anger.

"I'm hanging up..."

"Bye Fudou, I'm sorry!"

"Yeah whatever..." and then he hung up. You went to your messages app and clicked on Kidou's chat.


"Hey! We're at Royal Academy's stadium.

If you wanna come by and say hi."

You jumped out of bed after reading that message and began to get ready. You were excited to see them again.

. . .

You made it to the stadium and hurried inside. Once you walked into the stands, you looked down and saw the team practicing. The one who noticed you in the stands was Rika.

"Oh my God my bestie is here! Hey (Y/N)!" She waved to you. The whole team looked over at you and smiled. Kidou smiled as you stood up there, waving to everyone

"Hey, guys! Long time no see!" You called out to them.

"Get down here (Y/N)!" Endou shouted.

"Right!" You said and ran down to the field. Haruna ran into you, hugging you.

"We missed you so much!" She said.

"I missed you too. All of you!" You said. Everyone began asking about your leg and if you'd be able to be on the team again. Unfortunately, you said you couldn't, but you would still be cheering them on.

"Anyway, we need to get back to practice! Let's go, everyone!" Endou shouted. Everyone followed him onto the field. As Kidou was walking back onto the field, Rika approached him.

"So, are you happy that your girlfriend's back?" She asked, smirking. Kidou blushed.

"She's not my girlfriend..." Kidou then walked as far away from the girl as possible. You sat on the bench with Sakuma, watching the team.

"You must be (L/N) (Y/N), right? Kidou talks about you a lot." Sakuma said. You blushed.

"I am. You can call me (Y/N) though."

"It's nice to meet you." Sakuma smiled. You both then continued to watch the guys practice.

After a quick mini-match with Kidou, Endou, and Bobby completing Death Zone 2, Two of the aliens from Aliea Academy stopped by, challenging Raimon and giving them two days to train and prepare for the game.

"Looks like the aliens are just gonna keep attacking..." You said.

"We can defeat them!" Endou said, cheerfully. "We'll defeat them and help them see that soccer is good and not evil!" Everyone cheered with Endou. 

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now