[Chapter 39]

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After arriving on the island and settling in your training center, the ceremony for the FFI Tournament began, introducing the final teams that made it. You and the team stood together as the ceremony welcomed you all and wished the teams good luck.

Immediately the next day was training to go against England's knights of Queen. During training, the team received a letter from the Knights of Queen, inviting Inazuma Japan to a formal party. Everyone was shocked, to say the least, but excited. The girls were getting ready, but you stood off, shy. You've never been to any formal event, and being in dresses made you uncomfortable. But Haruna wanted you to join in with everyone and she was hyping you up as much as she could.

"This dress will look amazing on you (Y/N). (F/C) will look amazing on you!" She said and handed you a dress. It looked beautiful but you had some doubts.

"It's okay (Y/N) if anyone thinks about insulting you, I'll fight them!" Haruna said and you laughed.

"Thank you, Haruna," You said and gave in to try the dress on.

Back downstairs the boys were all in their tuxedos, waiting for you and the girls. Kidou stood off to the side, a flower in his hands. He found the flower at practice and he wanted to give it to you. Though, he was really nervous.

"You're finally gonna give the flower to (Y/N)?" Sakuma asked. Kidou nodded.

"I'm a little nervous... I hope she likes it."

"Are you guys ready to go?" Aki called down to the boys. Aki, Haruna, and Furuya stood at the staircase in their dresses.

"Wow! You all look amazing!"

"You girls look like princesses!" The guys complimented the three making the girls blush.

"Hey, where's (Y/N)?" Hiroto asked. The girls looked back. You were behind them, and now you weren't.

"(Y/N)!" Haruna called your name and ran up the stairs. You were at the top of the stairs, hiding in the dark. "(Y/N)! What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't want to go to this party anymore..." You whispered.


"I just don't want to. What if everyone laughs at me?!" You asked her, hugging yourself to hide. Haruna hugged you.

"(Y/N), no one can pull off this dress as you can. Don't worry about what people will think about you, you're beautiful!" You looked at her and she was smiling.

"Trust me, everyone's jaws are gonna drop to the floor from how beautiful you look!" You laughed at her compliment.

"Thanks, Haruna. I think I'm ready to go now." You said. Haruna held her hand out to you and you accepted it.

"Kidou is lucky to have a sister like you Haruna." You said to her and she giggled. You both walked down the stairs hand in hand. You felt better until,

"Here she is, guys!" Haruna announced your presence and you immediately panicked and blushed. All the guys looked at you and smiled.

"She looks amazing!"

"Very beautiful!"

"(F/C) looks great on you!" They all complimented you. Kidou stared at you with admiration in his eyes and a blush on his cheeks. You looked beautiful.

"You all look better than I thought!" Tsunami said.

"What do you mean 'better than you thought'?" Aki, Furuya and Haruna asked. You looked away. This was what you were afraid of.

"Oh! I didn't mean it like that!" Tsunami panicked and nervously laughed.

"Your mouth is out of control..." Kidou told him.

"What the heck is your problem Tsunami?" Haruna asked.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Honestly!" You just laughed at the three girls scolding him.

"We should get going!" Tsunami said, trying to avoid the girls' scolding.

"You're right! We don't want to be late." Furuya added.

"Wait, where's Endou?" Aki asked. Everyone shrugged. Aki sighed.

"I'll go get him..." She said and walked off. The rest of you walked to the caravan. Kidou walked beside you and blushed. What does he even say?

"Hey um, you look very beautiful." He compliments you. You smile.

"Thank you, you look very handsome." You said.

"Thank you..." He whispered and looked down at the flower. Kidou sighed.

"That's a pretty flower you have." You said. He blushed.

"Yeah, I found it at practice..." He said and handed the flower to you. "I picked it for you."

"Oh thank you." You said and took the flower, smiling. You placed it in your hair. Kidou smiled as he watched you put the flower in your hair.

"It looks wonderful." He complimented you. You smiled and blushed. You finally made it to the bus. Kidou stepped aside.

"Ladies first." He held his hand out. You giggled and took his hand, helping yourself onto the bus.

"Thank you!" You said and sat down. Kidou followed you and sat by you. The bus started and began to take you to the party.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now