[Chapter 16]

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You looked around, paranoid. Everything around you was pitch black.

"Kageyama, please! I-I'm tired!"

"Stand up brat!" The man yelled, forcing the younger you to stand and pushed you towards yourself. The little you looked up at you, tears in her eyes.

"Help me..." She whispered. You didn't know what to do. You stood there shocked. Looking up, Kageyama towered over you, grinning evilly.

"I will get you (Y/N). I always find a way to get you." You stood frozen.

"Come on (Y/N)! RUN!" Little you yelled. But you couldn't. Your body wouldn't respond. Kageyama approached you quickly, surrounding you by black clouding your vision. All you did was scream.

. . .

"He's back!" You screamed, waking up from your nightmare. Everyone on the bus looked at you, worried.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Kidou asked you, rubbing your back. You tried to catch your breath, hyperventilating as you reimagined your dream. You were thinking too much about Kageyama that he was coming to you in dreams. You began to cry and hugged Kidou.

"Hey! It's okay, just breathe. You're fine." Kidou comforted you, hugging you back.

"What happened? Did she have a nightmare or something?" Haruna asked. Kidou shrugged. He wanted to know too, but you were so scared, he didn't want you to be more scared. But it still got him thinking.

"We're here!" Hitomiko shouted as the bus approached Hakruen Jr. High. Stopping, you and the team got off, entering the school in search of the infamous Fubuki Shirou. The team of Hakuren welcomed you.

"We're wondering where Fubuki Shirou is. Do you guys know where he may be?" Hitomiko said. The team thought.

"Maybe he's snowboarding?"

"No, I definitely saw him going ice skating!"

"No, he can't be!"

They all began to quarrel about where the striker might be, which impressed the team with how many hobbies Fubuki had.

"Are you guys talking about me?" A soft voice called from outside the hallway.

"Oh! Fubuki's back!" one of the members of the team shouted and ran to Fubuki, pulling him inside the room. He was revealed to be the boy that was on the bus with you guys.

"Oh! Hello again!" Fubuki greeted the team. Everyone was shocked but excited nonetheless to see the striker who will most likely be on the team now. Someoka stormed out of the room, irritated.

. . .

After finally meeting Fubuki, the team began training for their next match against Gemini Storm. You practiced alone, which caught Fubuki's attention.

"Hey (L/N), right?" He called out to you. You turned to face him and nodded.

"You can just call me (Y/N)." Fubuki nods.

"Why aren't you with your team?" He asked.

"I'm not feeling too good... I just want some alone time to just... think." You answered. Fubuki nodded understanding and walked away from you. He went back to the team. Kidou walked up to him.

"Everything okay Fubuki?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was just talking with (Y/N)!" Fubuki says.

"Where is she?"

"She's over by the building, over there." Fubuki points to the school, where you sat at a tree, with your head down. "She says she's not feeling well. So I just let her be." Fubuki then walks away, leaving Kidou to look at you worried. Maybe it was about the nightmare you had on the bus earlier today? He was about to confront you when the coach stopped him.

"Leave her alone."

"But I just want to make sure she's–"

"She's fine, just let her sit out." Hitomiko interrupted him and walked away, watching the team. Kidou sighed and let you be.

My Heart is Yours - Kidou Yuuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now